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Department of Chemical Biology and Bioimaging

Izabela Małuch Ph.D.


Born: 3.08.1985, Pasłęk

Hobby: travelling, modern art, crime novels (especially Scandinavian)


Phone: (+48) 71 320 24 55 


MSc in Chemical Sciences, 2009, University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Poland, “Synthesis and kinetic studies of analogs of sunflower trypsin inhibitor SFTI-1, modified in positions 3 and 11 with Dap, Orn, Lys forming carbonyl bridge” supervisor: PhD Anna Jaśkiewicz

PhD in Chemical Sciences, 2014, University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Laboratory of Biopolymers Chemistry, Poland, “Design and chemical synthesis of proprotein convertases inhibitors” supervisor: PhD, DSc, Adam Prahl

Additional Education

06-08.10.2014 Proteomics Facility, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany (“Proteomics” course)

07-12.2011 Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada (scientific internship; research advisor: Robert Day Prof, PhD)


  1. Maluch I, Czarna J, Drag M, Applications of unnatural amino acids in protease probes Chemistry - An Asian Journal 2019, 14, 4103. View at Publisher
  2. Sikorska E, Stachurski O, Neubauer D, Małuch I, Wyrzykowski D, Bauer M, Brzozowski K, Kamysz W, Short arginine-rich lipopeptides: from self-assembly to antimicrobial activity Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes 2018, 1860, 2242. View at Publisher
  3. Małuch I, Levesque C, Kwiatkowska A, Couture F, Ly K, Desjardins R, Neugebauer W, Prahl A, Day R, Positional scanning identifies the molecular determinants of a high affinity multi-Leucine inhibitor for furin and PACE4 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2017, 60, 2732. View at Publisher
  4. Śleszyńska M, Wierzba TH, Malinowski K, Borovičková L, Małuch I, Sobolewski D, Lammek B, Slaninová J, Prahl A, Novel analogues of bradykinin conformationally restricted in the C-terminal part of the molecule Journal of Peptide Science 2011, 17, 366. View at Publisher
  5. Łęgowska A, Bulak E, Jaśkiewicz A, Małuch I, Sieracki M, Wysocka M, Lesner A, Rolka K, Analogues of trypsin inhibitor SFTI-1 with disulfide bridge substituted by various length of carbonyl bridges Protein and Peptide Lettera 2010, 17, 1223. View at Publisher

Publications (in polish)

  1. Małuch I, Makowska M, Tomczykowska M, Walewska A, Sikorska E, Prahl A, Rola konwertaz probiałkowych w chorobach nowotworowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem enzymu PACE4 Postępy Biochemii 2017, 63, 179
  2. Małuch I, Walewska A, Sikorska E, Prahl A, Konwertazy probiałkowe – rodzina proteaz serynowych o szerokim spektrum funkcji fizjologicznych Postępy Biochemii 2016, 62, 472
  3. Małuch I, Prahl A, Konwertazy probiałkowe oraz ich inhibitory Na pograniczu chemii i biologii 2013, 31, 279

Conference Communications

  1. Małuch I, Stachurski O, Makowska M, Wyrzykowski D, Bauer M, Prahl A, Kamysz W, Sikorska E „Antimicrobial activity and membrane interaction of symmetric double-head lipopeptides” 8th International Meeting on Antimicrobial Peptides, Edinburgh, UK, 02-04.09.2018 (poster)
  2. Stachurski O, Neubauer D, Bauer M, Małuch I, Wyrzykowski D, Kamysz W, Sikorska E „Double-tail lipopeptides: biological and physicochemical properties” 8th International Meeting on Antimicrobial Peptides, Edinburgh, UK, 02-04.09.2018 (poster)
  3. Sikorska E, Stachurski O, Neubauer D, Bauer M, Małuch I, Wyrzykowski D, Kamysz W „Short cationic lipopeptides as effective antimicrobial agents” 8th International Meeting on Antimicrobial Peptides, Edinburgh, UK, 02-04.09.2018 (poster)
  4. Sikorska E, Neubauer D, Małuch I, Wyrzykowski D, Brzozowski K, Kamysz W „Short cationic antimicrobial lipopeptides: from self-assembly to bioactivity” 24th Polish Peptide Symposium, Jastrzębia Góra, Poland, 03-07.09.2017 (poster)
  5. Małuch I, Tomczykowska M, Doda D, Walewska A, Sikorska E, Prahl A „Chemical synthesis of human ß-defensin 4 analogs – the role of disulfide bridges in antimicrobial activity” 24th Polish Peptide Symposium, Jastrzębia Góra, Poland, 03-07.09.2017 (poster)
  6. Małuch I, Makowska M, Kłosińska A, Łubieżewska A, Prahl A, Sikorska E „Chemical synthesis and structural studies of lipid-AP2H conjugates” 24th Polish Peptide Symposium, Jastrzębia Góra, Poland, 03-07.09.2017 (poster)
  7. Sikorska E, Neubauer D, Małuch I, Brzozowski K, Wyrzykowski D, Kamysz W „Surface-active properties of antimicrobial lipopeptides” EUROMAR 2017, Warsaw, Poland, 03-06.07.2017 (poster)
  8. Sikorska E, Neubauer D, Małuch I, Brzozowski K, Wyrzykowski D, Kamysz W „Badania procesów samoorganizacji kationowych lipopeptydów przeciwdrobnoustrojowych w roztworze” Young from Universities, Polytechnics & Polish Academy of Sciences NMR 2017, Łódź, Poland, 21-22.06.2017 (poster)
  9. Walewska A, Małuch I, Prahl A „Design and chemical synthesis of pI peptide markers for the cIEF analysis” X Polish Symposium Flow Analysis & Capillary Electrophoresis, Kraków, Poland, 14-16.09.2016 (poster)
  10. Małuch I, Levesque C., Couture F., Ly K., Day R, Prahl A „PACE4 inhibitors as potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of prostate cancer” 23rd Polish Peptide Symposium, Spała, Poland, 30.08-03.09.2015 (poster)
  11. Małuch I, Łepek T, Lewandowska M, Najda P, Prahl A „Synthesis of peptides modified on their C-terminus with 4-amidinobenzylamine (Amba)” 33rd European Peptide Symposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, 31.08-05.09.2014 (poster)
  12. Małuch I, Łepek T, Najda P, Lewandowska M, Sikorska E, Prahl A „Synthesis of modified peptides containing P1 arginine mimetics” 14th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples, Italy, 12-14.06.2014 (poster)
  13. Małuch I, Day R, Prahl A „Synthesis and biological application of PACE4 inhibitors” 22nd Polish Peptide Symposium, Kudowa Zdrój, Poland, 01-05.09.2013 (oral presentation)
  14. Małuch I, Lewandowska M, Łepek T, Lammek B, Prahl A „Chemical synthesis and analysis of short peptides containing modified arginine residues” 23rd American Peptide Symposium, Hawaii, USA, 22-27.06.2013 (poster)
  15. Małuch I, Kwiatkowska A, Routhier S, Lewandowska M, Łepek T, Sobolewski D, Lammek B, Day R, Prahl A „Research on the development of PACE4 peptides inhibitors” 11th German Peptide Symposium, Munich, Germany, 18-21.03.2013 (poster)
  16. Małuch I, Day R, Prahl A „Peptide-based PACE4 inhibitors” RSC Protein and Peptide Science Group (PPSG) Early Stage Researcher Meeting, London, UK, 30.11.2012 (poster)
  17. Małuch I, Prahl A „Synthesis and biological activity of proprotein convertases inhibitors modified in positions P5 and P6” (original title: “Synteza i aktywność biologiczna inhibitorów konwertaz probiałkowych modyfikowanych w pozycjach P5 i P6 analogu referencyjnego”) 55th Congress of PTChem and SITPChem, Białystok, Poland, 16-20.09.2012 (oral presentation)
  18. Małuch I, Walewska A, Kwiatkowska A, Lammek B, Day R, Prahl A „Aryl hydrazine resin as a tool in the synthesis of C-terminal modified peptides – optimization of oxidation conditions” 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens, Greece, 02-07.09.2012 (poster)
  19. Małuch I, Kwiatkowska A, Levesque C, Routhier S, Desjardins R, D’Anjou F, Neugebauer W, Lammek B, Prahl A, Day R „Development of potent and specific PACE4 inhibitor” 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens, Greece, 02-07.09.2012 (poster)
  20. Małuch I, Kwiatkowska A, Levesques C, Routhier S, Neugebauer W, Lammek B, Prahl A, Day R „Synthesis and biological activity of proprotein convertases inhibitors” 2nd Journée Phare, Orford, Québec, Canada, 04.11.2011 (poster)
  21. Walewska A, Małuch I, Sobolewski D, Prahl A „Protected and unprotected 4-amidinobenzylamine as a tool in peptide amides synthesis” 21st Polish Peptide Symposium, Supraśl, Poland, 04-08.09.2011 (poster)
  22. Walewska A, Małuch I, Sobolewski D, Prahl A „Aryl hydrazine resin as a tool in the synthesis of C-terminal modified peptides – optimization of oxidation conditions” 12th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, Bejiing, China, 01-05.08.2011 (poster)
  23. Małuch I, Kwiatkowska A, Day R, Prahl A „Synthesis of protected 4-amidinobenzylamine (original title: Synteza chronionej 4-amidynobenzyloaminy)” 9th Chromatographic Conference, Poznań, Poland, 26-29.06.2011 (poster)
  24. Małuch I, Prahl A „Proprotein convertases inhibitors as potential markers of cancerous modifications” VIIIth National Seminar for Ph.D. students „On the border of biology and chemistry”, Jamrozowa Polana - Duszniki Zdrój, Poland, 24-27.04.2010 (oral presentation)
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