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Department of Chemical Biology and Bioimaging

professor Marcin Drąg


Marcin Drąg


  1. Rut W, Groborz K, Zhang L, Modrzycka S, Poreba M, Hilgenfeld R, Drag M, Profiling of flaviviral NS2B-NS3 protease specificity provides a structural basis for the development of selective chemical tools that differentiate dengue from Zika and West Nile viruses Antiviral Research 2020, 1. View at Publisher
  2. Poreba M, Groborz K, Navarro M, Snipas SJ, Drag M, Salvesen GS, Caspase selective reagents for diagnosing apoptotic mechanisms Cell Death and Differentiation 2019, 26, 229. View at Publisher
  3. Cogo F, Poreba M, Rut W, Groborz K, Smyth P, Johnston MC, Williams R, Longley DB, Burden RE, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Scott Ch., Development of an advanced nanoformulation for the intracellular delivery of a caspase-3 selective activity-based probe Nanoscale 2019, 11, 742. View at Publisher
  4. Poreba M, Rut W, Groborz K, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Potent and selective caspase-2 inhibitor prevents MDM-2 cleavage in reversine-treated colon cancer cells Cell Death and Differentiation 2019, 26, 2695. View at Publisher
  5. Groborz K, Kolt S, Kasperkiewicz P, Drag M, Internally Quenched Fluorogenic substrates with unnatural amino acids for cathepsin G investigation Biochimie 2019, 166, 103. View at Publisher
  6. de Vries LE, Sanchez MI, Groborz K, Kuppens L, Poreba M, Lehmann C, Nevins N, Withers-Martinez C, Hirst DJ, Yuan F, Arastu-Kapur S, Horn M, Mares M, Bogyo M, Drag M, Deu E, Characterization of P. falciparum dipeptidyl aminopeptidase 3 specificity identifies differences in amino acid preferences between peptide-based substrates and covalent inhibitors FEBS Journal 2019, 286, 3998. View at Publisher
  7. Groborz K, Gonzalez-Ramirez ML, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Poreba M, Exploring the prime site in caspases as a novel chemical strategy for understanding the mechanisms of cell death: a proof of concept study on necroptosis in cancer cells Cell Death and Differentiation 2019, 1. View at Publisher
  8. Drąg-Zalesińska M, Rembiałkowska N, Borska S, Saczko J, Drąg M, Poręba M, Kulbacka J, A New Betulin Derivative Stimulates the Synthesis of Collagen in Human Fibroblasts Stronger than its Precursor In vivo 2019, 33, 1087. View at Publisher
  9. Poreba M, Groborz K, Vizovisek M, Maruggi M, Turk D, Turk B, Powis G, Drag M, Salvesen GS, Fluorescent probes towards selective cathepsin B detection and visualization in cancer cells and patient samples Chemical Science 2019, 10, 8461. View at Publisher
  10. Rut W, Nielsen NV, Czarna J, Poreba M, Kanse SM, Drag M, Fluorescent activity-based probe for the selective detection of Factor VII activating protease (FSAP) in human plasma Thrombosis Research 2019, 182, 124. View at Publisher
  11. Babin BM, Kasperkiewicz P, Janiszewski T, Yoo E, Drag M, Bogyo M, Leveraging peptide substrate libraries to design inhibitors of bacterial Lon protease ACS Chemical Biology 2019, 1. View at Publisher
  12. Anderson BM, Poole DP, Aurelio L, Ng GZ, Fleischmann M, Kasperkiewicz P, Morissette C, Drag M, van Driel IR, Schmidt BL, Vanner SJ, Bunnett NW, Edgington-Mitchell LE, Application of a chemical probe to detect neutrophil elastase activation during inflammatory bowel disease Scientific Reports 2019, 9, 13295. View at Publisher
  13. Poreba M, Groborz K, Rut W, Pore M, Snipas SJ, Vizovisek M, Turk B, Drag M, Salvesen GS, The Activome: multiplexed probing of activity of proteolytic enzymes using mass cytometry-compatible activity-based probes (TOF-probes) bioRxiv 2019, 1. View at Publisher
  14. Aaltonen N, Singha P, Jakupovic H, Wirth T, Samaranayake H, Pasonen-Seppanen S, Rilla K, Varjosalo M, Edgington-Mitchell L, Kasperkiewicz P, Drag M, Kalvala S, Moisio E, Savinainen JR, Laitinen JT, Tissue-ABPP enables high-resolution confocal fluorescence imaging of serine hydrolase activity in cryosections – Application to glioma brain unveils activity hotspots originating from tumor-associated neutrophils bioRxiv 2019, 1. View at Publisher
  15. Maluch I, Czarna J, Drag M, Applications of unnatural amino acids in protease probes Chemistry - An Asian Journal 2019, 14, 4103. View at Publisher
  16. Lunde NN, Gregersen I, Ueland T, Shetelig C, Holm S, Kong XY, Michelsen AE, Otterdal K, Yndestad A, Broch K, Gullestad L, Nyman TA, Bendz B, Eritsland J, Hoffmann P, Skagen K, Gonçalves I, Nilsson J, Grenegard M, Poreba M, Drag M, Seljeflot I, Sporsheim B, Espevik T, Skjelland M, Johansen HT, Solberg R, Aukrust P, Björkbacka H, Andersen GO, Halvorsen B, Legumain is upregulated in acute cardiovascular events and associated with improved outcome - potentially related to anti-inflammatory effects on macrophages. Atherosclerosis 2019, 1. View at Publisher
  17. Poreba M, Rut W, Vizovisek M, Groborz K, Kasperkiewicz P, Finlay D, Vuori K, Turk D, Turk B, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Selective imaging of cathepsin L in breast cancer by fluorescent activity-based probes Chemical Science 2018, 9, 2113. View at Publisher
  18. Gonzalez-Ramirez ML*, Poreba M*, Snipas SJ, Groborz K, Drag M, Salvesen GS (* equal contribution), Extensive peptide and natural protein substrate screens reveal that mouse caspase-11 has much narrower substrate specificity than caspase-1 Journal of Biological Chemistry 2018, 293, 7058. View at Publisher
  19. Stach N, Kalinska M, Zdzalik M, Kitel R, Karim A, Serwin K, Rut W, Larsen K, Jabaiah A, Firlej M, Wladyka B, Daugherty P, Stennicke H, Drag M, Potempa J, Dubin G, Unique Substrate Specificity of SplE Serine Protease from Staphylococcus aureus Structure 2018, 26, 572. View at Publisher
  20. Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Drag M, Screening Combinatorial Peptide Libraries in Protease Inhibitor Drug Discovery Extracellular Targeting of Cell Signaling in Cancer: Strategies Directed at MET and RON Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Pathways, 1 2018, 1. View at Publisher
  21. Rut W, Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Snipas SJ, Drag M, Selective substrates and activity-based probes for imaging of the human constitutive 20S proteasome in cells and blood samples Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2018, 61, 5222. View at Publisher
  22. Barry R, John SW, Liccardi G, Tenev T, Jaco J, Chen Ch, Choi J, Kasperkiewicz P, Fernandes-Alnemri T, Alnemri E, Drag M, Chen Y, Meier P, SUMO-mediated regulation of NLRP3 modulates inflammasome activity Nature Communications 2018, 9, 3001. View at Publisher
  23. Vizovisek M, Vidmar R, Drag M, Fonovic M, Salvesen GS, Turk B, Protease Specificity: Towards In Vivo Imaging Applications and Biomarker Discovery Trends in Biochemical Sciences 2018, 1, 1. View at Publisher
  24. Kasperkiewicz P, Kołt S, Janiszewski T, Groborz K, Poręba M, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drąg M, Determination of extended substrate specificity of the MALT1 as a strategy for the design of potent substrates and activity-based probes Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 15998. View at Publisher
  25. Teixeira PF, Kmiec B, Branca RM, Murcha MW, Byzia A, Ivanova A, Whelan J, Drag M, Lehtiö J, Glaser E., A multi-step peptidolytic cascade for amino acid recovery in chloroplasts. Nature Chemical Biology 2017, 13, 15. View at Publisher
  26. Balogh B, Dahmen M, Stahl M, Poreba M, Gersch M, Drag M, Sieber SA , Insights into ClpXP proteolysis: heterooligomerization and partial deactivation enhance chaperone affinity and substrate turnover in Listeria monocytogenes Chemical Science 2017, 8, 1592. View at Publisher
  27. Rut W, Zhang L, Kasperkiewicz P, Poreba M, Hilgenfeld R, Drag M, Extended substrate specificity and first potent irreversible inhibitor/activity-based probe design for Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease Antiviral Research 2017, 139, 88. View at Publisher
  28. Kasperkiewicz P, Poreba M, Groborz K, Drag M, Emerging challenges in the design of selective protease substrates, inhibitors and activity-based probes for indistinguishable proteases FEBS Journal 2017, 284, 1518. View at Publisher
  29. Drag-Zalesinska M, Drag M, Poreba M, Borska S, Kulbacka J, Saczko J, Anticancer properties of ester derivatives of betulin in human metastatic melanoma cells (Me-45) Cancer Cell International 2017, 17, 7. View at Publisher
  30. Poreba M, Szalek A, Rut W, Kasperkiewicz P, Rutkowska-Wlodarczyk I, Snipas SJ, Itoh Y, Turk D, Turk B, Overall CM, Kaczmarek L, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Highly sensitive and adaptable fluorescence-quenched pair discloses the substrate specificity profiles in diverse protease families Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 43135. View at Publisher
  31. Lunde NN, Haugen MH, Bodin Larsen KB, Damgaard I, Pettersen SJ, Kasem R, Rut W, Drag M, Poreba M, Johansen HT, Solberg R, Glycosylation is important for legumain localization and processing to active forms but not for cystatin E/M inhibitory functions Biochimie 2017, 139, 27. View at Publisher
  32. Kasperkiewicz P, Altman Y, D'Angelo M, Salvesen GS, Drag M, A toolbox of fluorescent probes for parallel imaging reveals uneven location of serine proteases in neutrophils Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139, 10115. View at Publisher
  33. Poreba M, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Synthesis of a HyCoSuL peptide substrate library to dissect protease substrate specificity Nature Protocols 2017, 12, 2189. View at Publisher
  34. Gersch M, Stahl M, Poreba M, Dahmen M, Dziedzic A, Drag M, Sieber SA, Barrel-shaped ClpP proteases display attenuated cleavage specificity ACS Chemical Biology 2016, 11, 389. View at Publisher
  35. Byzia, A.; Szeffler, A.; Kalinowski, L.; Drąg, M., Activity profiling of aminopeptidases in cell lysates using a fluorogenic substrate library Biochimie 2016, 122, 31. View at Publisher
  36. Modak, J. K.; Rut, W.; Wijeyewickrema, L. C.; Pike, R. N.; Drąg, M.; Roujeinkova, A., Structural basis for substrate specificity of Helicobacter pylori M17 aminopeptidase Biochimie 2016, 121, 60. View at Publisher
  37. Rut, W.; Drąg, M., Human 20S proteasome activity towards fluorogenic peptides of various chain lengths Biol. Chem. 2016, 396, 921. View at Publisher
  38. Drinkwater N, Sivaraman KK, Bamert RS, Rut W, Mohamed K, Vinh NB, Scammells PJ, Drag M, McGowan S, Structure and substrate fingerprint of aminopeptidase P from Plasmodium falciparum Biochemical Journal 2016, 473, 3189. View at Publisher
  39. Poreba M, Solberg R, Rut W, Lunde NN, Kasperkiewicz P, Snipas SJ, Mihelic M, Turk D, Turk B, Salvesen GS, Drag M., Counter Selection Substrate Library Strategy for Developing Specific Protease Substrates and Probes Cell Chemical Biology 2016, 23, 1023. View at Publisher
  40. Lentz CS, Ordonez AA, Kasperkiewicz P, La Greca F, O'Donoghue AJ, Schulze CJ, Powers JC, Craik CS, Drag M, Jain SK, Bogyo M, Design of Selective Substrates and Activity-Based Probes for Hydrolase Important for Pathogenesis 1 (HIP1) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. ACS infectious diseases 2016, 2, 807. View at Publisher
  41. Hachmann, J.; Edgington-Mitchell, L. E.; Poreba, M.; Sanman, L. E.; Drag, M.; Bogyo, M.; Salvesen, G. S., Probes to Monitor Activity of the Paracaspase MALT1 Chem. Biol. 2015, 22, 139. View at Publisher
  42. Lechtenberg, B. C.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Robinson, H.; Drag, M.; Riedl, S. J., The Elastase-PK101 structure: Mechanism of an ultrasensitive activity-based probe revealed ACS Chem. Biol. 2015, 10, 945. View at Publisher
  43. Rut, W.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Byzia, A.; Poreba, M.; Groborz, K.; Drag, M., Recent advances and concepts in substrate specificity determination of proteases using tailored libraries of fluorogenic substrates with unnatural amino acids Biol. Chem. 2015, 396, 329. View at Publisher
  44. Arya, T.; Reddi, R.; Kishor, C.; Ganji, R.J.; Bhukya, S.; Gumpena, R.; McGowan, S.; Drag, M.; Addlagatta, A., Identification of the molecular basis of inhibitor selectivity between the human and Streptococcal Type I methionine aminopeptidases. J. Med. Chem. 2015, 58, 2350. View at Publisher
  45. Bekes, M.; Rut, W.; Kasperkiewicz, P. Mulder, M. P.; Ovaa, H.; Drag, M.; Lima, C. D.; Huang, T. T., SARS hCoV papain-like protease is a unique Lys48 linkage-specific di-distributive deubiquitinating enzyme. Biochem. J. 2015, 468, 215. View at Publisher
  46. Drag-Zalesinska M, Wysocka T, Borska S, Drag M, Poreba M, Choromanska A, Kulbacka J, Saczko J., The new esters derivatives of betulin and betulinic acid in epidermoid squamous carcinoma treatment - In vitro studies. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2015, 72, 91. View at Publisher
  47. Kasperkiewicz P, Poreba M, Snipas SJ, Lin SJ, Kirchhofer D, Salvesen GS, Drag M., Design of a Selective Substrate and Activity Based Probe for Human Neutrophil Serine Protease 4. PLoS One 2015, 10, 1. View at Publisher
  48. Rajkovic, J.; Poreba, M.; Caglic, D.; Vidmar, R.; Wilk, A.; Borowik, A.; Salvesen, G. S.; Turk, V.; Drag, M.; Turk, B., Biochemical Characterization and Substrate Specificity of Autophagin-2 from the Parasite Trypanosoma cruzi J. Biol. Chem. 2015, 290, 28231. View at Publisher
  49. Galiullina RA, Kasperkiewicz P, Chichkova NV, Szalek A, Serebryakova MV, Poreba M, Drag M, Vartapetian AB, Substrate Specificity and Possible Heterologous Targets of Phytaspase, a Plant Cell Death Protease. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2015, 290, 24806. View at Publisher
  50. Poreba M, Szalek A, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Small Molecule Active Site Directed Tools for Studying Human Caspases Chemical Reviews 2015, 115, 12546. View at Publisher
  51. van der Linden, W. A.; Segal, E.; Child, M. A.; Byzia, A. Drąg, M.; Bogyo, M., Design and Synthesis of Activity-Based Probes and Inhibitors for Bleomycin Hydrolase Chem. Biol. 2015, 22, 995.
  52. Poręba, M.; Mihelic, M.; Krai, P.; Rajkovic, J.; Krężel, A.; Pawełczak, M.; Klemba, M.; Turk, D.; Turk, B.; Latajka, R.; Drąg, M., Unnatural amino acids increase activity and specificity of synthetic substrates for human and malarial cathepsin C. Amino Acids 2014, 46, 931. View at Publisher
  53. Kasperkiewicz, P.; Poreba, M.; Snipas, S. J.; Parker, H.; Winterbourn, C. C.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drag, M., Design of ultrasensitive probes for human neutrophil elastase through hybrid combinatorial substrate library profiling. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2014, 111, 2518. View at Publisher
  54. Byzia, A; Haeggström, J.Z.; Salvesen, G.S.; Drąg, M., A remarkable activity of human leukotriene A4 hydrolase (LTA4H) toward unnatural amino acids. Amino Acids 2014, 46, 1313. View at Publisher
  55. Poręba, M.; Szalek, A.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Drąg, M., Positional Scanning Substrate Combinatorial Library (PS-SCL) Approach to Define Caspase Substrate Specificity. Methods Mol. Biol. 2014, 1133, 41. View at Publisher
  56. Pustelny, K.; Zdzalik, M.; Stach, N.; Stec-Niemczyk, J.; Cichon, P.; Czarna, A.; Popowicz, G.; Mak, P.; Drag, M.; Salvesen, G. S.; Wladyka, B.; Potempa, J.; Dubin, A.; Dubin, G., Staphylococcal SplB serine protease utilizes a novel molecular mechanism of activation. J. Biol. Chem. 2014, 298, 15544. View at Publisher
  57. Gras, S.; Byzia, A.; Gilbert, F.B.; McGowan, S.; Drąg, M.; Silvestre, A.; Niepceron, A.; Lecaille, F.; Lalmanach, G.; Fabien Brossier, F., Aminopeptidase N1 (Et-ApN1), a M1 metalloprotease of the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella participates in parasite development Eukaryotic Cell 2014, 13, 884. View at Publisher
  58. Poreba, M.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Snipas, S. J.; Fasci, D.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drąg, M., Unnatural amino acids increase sensitivity and provide for the design of highly selective caspase substrates Cell Death & Differentiation 2014, 21, 1482. View at Publisher
  59. Mistry, S.N.; Drinkwater, N.; Ruggeri, C.; Kannan Sivaraman, K.; Loganathan, S.; Fletcher, S.; Drag, M.; Paiardini, A.; Avery, V.M.; Scammells, P.J.; McGowan, S., A Two-pronged Attack: Dual Inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum M1 and M17 Metalloaminopeptidases by a Novel Series of Hydroxamic acid-based Inhibitors. J. Med. Chem. 2014, 57, 9168. View at Publisher
  60. Węglarz-Tomczak, E.; Poręba, M.; Byzia, A.; Berlicki, Ł.; Nocek, B.; Mulligan, R.; Joachimiak, A.; Drąg, M.; Mucha, A., An integrated approach to the ligand binding specificity of Neisseria meningitidis M1 alanine aminopeptidase by fluorogenic substrate profiling, inhibitory studies and molecular modeling. Biochimie 2013, 95, 419. View at Publisher
  61. Carroll, R.K.; Veillard, F.; Gagne, D.T.; Lindenmuth, J.M.; Poreba, M.; Drag, M.; Potempa, J.; Shaw, L.N., The Staphylococcus aureus leucine aminopeptidase LAP is localized to the bacterial cytosol and demonstrates a broad substrate range that extends beyond leucine. Biol. Chem. 2013, 394, 791. View at Publisher
  62. Drąg, M. , Chapter 478 – OTU1 Peptidase Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes 2013, 2, 2121. View at Publisher
  63. Drąg, M. , Chapter 532 – SENP8 Peptidase Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes 2013, 2, 2379. View at Publisher
  64. Drąg, M.; Wieczerzak, E.; Pawełczak, M.; Berlicki, Ł.; Grzonka, Z.; Kafarski, P., Toward very potent, non-covalent organophosphonate inhibitors of cathepsin C and related enzymes by 2-amino-1-hydroxy-alkanephosphonates dipeptides. Biochemie 2013, 95, 1640. View at Publisher
  65. Zeiler, E.; List, A.; Alte, F.; Gersch, M.; Wachtel, R.; Poręba, M.; Drąg, M.; Groll, M.; Sieber, S.A., Structural and functional insights into caseinolytic proteases reveal an unprecedented regulation principle of their catalytic triad. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2013, 110, 11302. View at Publisher
  66. Kannan Sivaraman,K.; Paiardini, A.; Sieńczyk, M.; Ruggeri, C.; Oellig, C. A.; Dalton, J. P.; Scammells, P. J.; Drag, M.; McGowan , S., Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Phosphonic Arginine Mimetics as Inhibitors of the M1 and M17 Aminopeptidases from Plasmodium falciparum. J. Med. Chem. 2013, 56, 5213. View at Publisher
  67. Poręba, M.; Stróżyk, A.; Salvesen, G.S.; Drag, M. , Caspase Substrates and Inhibitors. Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol. 2013, 5, 1. View at Publisher
  68. Poreba, M.; McGowan, S.; Skinner-Adams, T. S.; Trenholme, K. R.; Gardiner, D. L.; Whisstock, J. C.; To, J.; Salvesen, G. S.; Dalton, J. P.; Drąg, M., Fingerprinting the Substrate Specificity of M1 and M17 Aminopeptidases of Human Malaria, Plasmodium Falciparum. PLoS One 2012, 7, 31938. View at Publisher
  69. Gajda, A. D.; Pawleczak, M.; Drąg, M., Substrate specificity screening of oat (Avena sativa) seeds aminopeptidase demonstrate unusually broad tolerance in S1 pocket. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2012, 54, 6. View at Publisher
  70. Poręba, M.; Gajda, A.; Picha, J.; Jiracek, J.; Marschner, A.; Klein, C.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drąg, M., S1 pocket fingerprints of human and bacterial methionine aminopeptidases determined using fluorogenic libraries of substrates and phosphorus based inhibitors. Biochimie 2012, 94, 704. View at Publisher
  71. Bekes, M.; Drąg, M., Trojan horse strategies used by pathogens to influence the SUMO system of host eukaryotic cells. J. Innate Immun. 2012, 4, 159. View at Publisher
  72. Sivaraman, K.K.; Oellig, C.A.; Huynh, K.; Atkinson, S.C.; Poreba, M.; Perugini, M.A.; Trenholme, K.R.; Gardiner, D.L.; Salvesen, G.; Drag, M.; Dalton, J.P.; Whisstock, J.C.; McGowan, S., X-ray crystal structure and specificity of the Plasmodium falciparum malaria aminopeptidase PfM18AAP. J. Mol. Biol. 2012, 422, 495. View at Publisher
  73. Veillard, F.; Potempa, B.; Poreba, M.; Drag, M.; Potempa, J., Gingipain aminopeptidase activities in Porphyromonas gingivalis. Biol. Chem. 2012, 393, 1471. View at Publisher
  74. Aleshin, A.E.; Marcin Drag, M.; Gombosuren, N.; Wei, G.; Mikolajczyk, J.; Arnold C. Satterthwait, A.C.; Strongin, A. Y.; Liddington, R.C.; Salvesen, G.S., Activity, Specificity and Probe Design for the Smallpox Virus Protease K7L. J. Biol. Chem. 2012, 287, 47. View at Publisher
  75. Kasperkiewicz, P.; Gajda, A. D.; Drąg, M., Current and prospective applications of non-proteinogenic amino acids in profiling of proteases substrate specificity Biol. Chem. 2012, 393, 843. View at Publisher
  76. Hachmann, J.; Snipas, S. J.; van Raam, B. J.; Cancino, E. M.; Houlihan, E. J.; Poreba, M.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Drag, M.; Salvesen, G. S., Mechanism and specificity of the human paracaspase MALT1 Biochem. J. 2012, 443, 287. View at Publisher
  77. Ponder, E. L.; Albrow, V. E.; Leader, B. A.; Bekes, M.; Mikolajczyk, J.; Pecar Fonovic, U.; Shen, A.; Drąg, M.; Xiao, J.; Deu, E.; Campbell, A. J.; Powers, J. C.; Salvesen, G. S.; Bogyo, M. , Functional Characterization of a SUMO Deconjugating Protease of Plasmodium falciparum Using Newly Identified Small Molecule Inhibitors. Chemistry & Biology 2011, 18, 711. View at Publisher
  78. Volle, J.-N.; Filippini, D.; Midrier, C.; Sobecki, M.; Drąg, M.; Virieux, D.; Pirat, J.-L., Revisited Synthesis of Aryl-H-phosphinates. Synthesis 2011, 2011, 2490. View at Publisher
  79. Zervoudi, E.; Papakyriakou, A.; Georgiadou, D.; Evnouchidou, I.; Gajda, A.; Poręba, M.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drąg, M.; Hattori, A.; Swevers, L.; Vourloumis, D.; Stratikos, E., Probing the S1 specificity pocket of the aminopeptidases that generate antigenic peptides. Biochem J. 2011, 435, 411. View at Publisher
  80. Boucher, D.; Blais, V.; Drąg, M.; Denault, J.-B., Molecular determinants involved in activation of caspase 7. Biosci Rep. 2011, 31, 283. View at Publisher
  81. Pop, C.; Oberst, A.; Drąg, M.; Van Raam, B. J.; Riedl, S. J.; Green, D. R.; Salvesen, G. S. , FLIP(L) induces caspase 8 activity in the absence of interdomain caspase 8 cleavage and alters substrate specificity. Biochem J. 2011, 433, 447. View at Publisher
  82. Skinner-Adams, T. S.; Stack, C. M.; Trenholme, K. R.; Brown, C. L.; Grembecka, J.; Lowther, J.; Mucha, A.; Drag, M.; Kafarski, P.; McGowan, S.; Whisstock, J. C.; Gardiner, D. L.; Dalton, J. P., Plasmodium falciparum neutral aminopeptidases: new targets for anti-malarials. Trends Biochem. Sci. 2010, 35, 53. View at Publisher
  83. Mucha, A.; Drąg, M.; Dalton, J. P.; Kafarski, P., Metallo-aminopeptidase inhibitors. Biochimie 2010, 92, 1509. View at Publisher
  84. Drąg, M.; Bogyo, M.; Ellman, J. A.; Salvesen, G. S. , Aminopeptidase fingerprints. An integrated approach for identification of good substrates and optimal inhibitors. J. Biol. Chem. 2010, 285, 3310. View at Publisher
  85. Grzywa, R.; Oleksyszyn, J.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drąg, M. , Identification of very potent inhibitor of human aminopeptidase N (CD13). Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2010, 20, 2497. View at Publisher
  86. Shu, C.-W.; Drąg, M.; Bekes, M.; Zhai, D.; Salvesen, G. S.; Reed, J. C., Synthetic substrates for measuring activity of autophagy proteases: autophagins (Atg4). Autophagy 2010, 6, 936. View at Publisher
  87. Wachmann, K.; Pop, C.; van Raam, B. J.; Drąg, M.; Mace, P. D.; Snipas, S. J.; Zmasek, C.; Schwarzenbacher, R.; Salvesen, G. S.; Riedl, S. J., Activation and specificity of human caspase-10. Biochemistry 2010, 49, 8307. View at Publisher
  88. Kolli, N.; Mikolajczyk, J.; Drąg, M.; Mukhopadhyay, D.; Moffatt, N.; Dasso, M.; Salvesen, G. S.; Wilkinson, K. D., Distribution and paralogue specificity of mammalian deSUMOylating enzymes. Biochem. J. 2010, 430, 335. View at Publisher
  89. Drąg, M.; Salvesen, G. S., Emerging principles in protease-based drug discovery. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2010, 9, 690. View at Publisher
  90. Poręba, M.; Drąg, M., Current strategies for probing substrate specificity of proteases. Curr. Med. Chem. 2010, 17, 3968. View at Publisher
  91. Podstawka, E.; Kudelski, A.; Drąg, M.; Oleksyszyn, J.; Proniewicz, L. M., Adsorbed states of substituted ?-aminophosphinic acids on silver electrode surface. Comparison with colloidal silver substrate. J. Raman Spect. 2009, 11, 1578. View at Publisher
  92. Podstawka, E.; Drąg, M.; Oleksyszyn, J., Raman and surface-enhanced Raman studies of ?-aminophosphinic inhibitors of metalloenzymes. J. Raman Spect. 2009, 11, 1564. View at Publisher
  93. Surowiak, P.; Drąg, M.; Materna, V.; Dietel, M.; Lage, H., Betulinic acid reveal stronger cytotoxic activity toward normal melanocyte cell line (NHEM-neo) than drug-resistant and drug-sensitive melanoma cell lines (MeWo). Mol. Med. Rep. 2009, 2, 543. View at Publisher
  94. Szczuraszek, K.; Materna, V.; Halon, A.; Mazur, G.; Wróbel, T.; Kuliczkowski, K.; Maciejczyk, A.; Zabel, M.; Drąg, M.; Dietel, M.; Lage, H.; Surowiak, P., Positive correlation between cyclooxygenase-2 and ABC-transporter expression in non-Hodgkin Oncol. Rep. 2009, 22, 1315. View at Publisher
  95. Walters, J.; Pop, C.; Scott, F. L.; Drąg, M.; Swartz, P.; Mattos, C.; Salvesen, G. S.; Clark, C. A., A constitutively active and uninhibitable caspase-3 zymogen efficiently induces apoptosis. Biochem. J. 2009, 424, 335. View at Publisher
  96. Drąg-Zalesińska, M.; Kulbacka, J.; Saczko, J.; Wysocka, T.; Zabel, M.; Surowiak, P.; Drąg, M., Esters of betulin and betulinic acid with amino acids have improved water solubility and are selectively cytotoxic toward cancer cells. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2009, 19, 4814. View at Publisher
  97. Drąg, M.; Surowiak, P.; Drąg-Zalesinska, M.; Dietel, M.; Lage, H.; Oleksyszyn, J., Comparision of the cytotoxic effects of birch bark extract, betulin and betulinic acid towards human gastric carcinoma and pancreatic carcinoma drug-sensitive and drug-resistant cell lines. Molecules 2009, 14, 1639. View at Publisher
  98. Cunningham, E.; Drąg, M.; Kafarski, P.; Bell, A., Chemical Target Validation Studies of Aminopeptidase in Malaria Parasites Using alpha-Aminoalkylphosphonate and Phosphonopeptide Inhibitors Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2008, 52, 3221. View at Publisher
  99. Drąg, M.; Mikołajczyk, J.; Menon, K.; Huang, Z.; Salvesen, G. S., Activity profiling of human deSUMOylating enzymes (SENPs) with synthetic substrates reveals unexpected specificity of two newly characterized members of the family. Biochem. J. 2008, 409, 461. View at Publisher
  100. Eckelman, B. P.; Drąg, M.; Snipas, S. J.; Salvesen, G. S., The Mechanism of Peptide Binding Specificity of IAP BIR domains. Cell Death Differ. 2008, 15, 920. View at Publisher
  101. Snipas, S. J.; Drąg, M.; Stennicke, H. R.; Salvesen, G. S., Activation mechanism and substrate specificity of the Drosophila initiator caspase DRONC. Cell Death Differ. 2008, 15, 938. View at Publisher
  102. Surowiak, P.; Pawełczyk, K.; Maciejczyk, A.; Pudełko, M.; Kołodziej, J.; Zabel, M.; Murawa, D.; Drąg, M.; Gansukh, T.; Dietel, M.; Lage, H. , Positive Correlation between Cyclooxygenase 2 and the Expression of ABC-transporters in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2008, 28, 2867.
  103. Drąg, M.; Salvesen, G. S., DeSUMOylating enzymes-SENPs (Review). IUBMB Life 2008, 60, 734. View at Publisher
  104. Drąg, M.; Mikolajczyk, J.; Bekes, M.; Reyes-Turcu, F.; Ellman, J. A.; Wilkinson, K. D.; Salvesen, G. S., Positional-scanning fluorogenic substrate libraries reveal unexpected specificity determinants of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). Biochem. J. 2008, 415, 367. View at Publisher
  105. Drąg, M.; Grzywa, R.; Oleksyszyn, J. , Novel hydroxamic acid related phosphinates: inhibitor of neutral aminopeptidase N (APN). Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2007, 17, 1516. View at Publisher
  106. Mikolajczyk, J.; Drąg, M.; Bekes, M.; Cao, J. T.; Ronai, Z.; Salvesen, G. S. , SUMO-specific proteases: Profiling the specificities and activities of human SENPs. J. Biol. Chem. 2007, 282, 26217. View at Publisher
  107. Denault, J.-B.; Drąg, M.; Salvesen, G. S.; Alves, J.; Heidt, A.; Deveraux, Q.; Harris, J. L., Small molecules not direct activators of caspases. Nature-Chemical Biology 2007, 9, 520. View at Publisher
  108. Drąg, M.; Długosz, K.; Oleksyszyn J., A facile synthesis of bis-alpha-aminoalkyl- phosphinates. Synthetic Commun. 2006, 36, 2787. View at Publisher
  109. Surowiak, P.; Drąg, M.; Materna, V.; Suchocki, S.; Grzywa, R.; Spaczynski, M.; Dietel, M.; Oleksyszyn, J.; Zabel, M.; Lage H., Expression of aminopeptidase N/CD13 in human ovarian cancers. Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer 2006, 16, 1783.
  110. Lejczak, B.; Wojtasek, H.; Berlicki, Ł.; Forlani, G.; Obojska, A.; Drąg. M.; Gąsowska, B.; Grembecka, J.; Olechnowicz. D., Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Environmentally Friendly Herbicides. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2005, 14, 64.
  111. Gałezowska, J.; Sobek, S.; Drag, M.; Mucha, A.; Kafarski, P.; Kozłowski, H. , Specific interactions of divalent metal ions with phosphonic analogues of dipeptide inhibitors of proteases. Pol. J. Chem. 2005, 79, 603.
  112. DrÄg, M.; Grembecka, J.; PaweĹczak, M.; Kafarski, P. , alpha-Aminoalkylphosphonates as a tool in experimental optimisation of P1 side chain shape of potential inhibitors in S1 pocket of leucine - and neutral aminopeptidases. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2005, 40, 764. View at Publisher
  113. Podstawka, E.; Borszowska, R.; Grabowska, M.; Drag, M.; Kafarski, P.; Proniewicz, L.M., Investigation of molecular structures and adsorption mechanisms of phosphonodipeptides by surface-enhanced Raman, Raman, and infrared spectroscopies. Surf. Sci. 2005, 599, 207. View at Publisher
  114. Drąg, M.; Oleksyszyn, J. , Synthesis of a1-(Cbz-aminoalkyl)-a2-(hydroxyalkyl)phosphinic esters. Tetrahedron Lett. 2005, 46, 3359. View at Publisher
  115. Drąg, M.; Sieńczyk, M.; Marcinkowska, A.; Drąg-Zalesińska, M.; Wysocka, T.; Oleksyszyn, J., Alpha-Aminophosphonates Induce Apoptosis in Human Tumor Cell Lines Pol. J. Chem 2005, 79, 593.
  116. Gumienna-Kontecka, E.; Galezowska, J.; Drag, M.; Latajka, R.; Kafarski, P.; Kozlowski, H., Coordination abilities of substituted beta-aminophosphonates towards Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2004, 357, 1632. View at Publisher
  117. Drag, M.; Jezierski, A.; Kafarski, P., First example of the chemical, oxidative cleavage of the C-P bond in aminophosphonate chemistry. The oxidation of 1-amino-1-amino-1-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methylphosphonic acid by NaIO4. Chem. Comm. 2004, 9, 1132. View at Publisher
  118. Kafarski, P.; Grembecka, J.; Mucha, A.; Pawełczak, M.; Drąg, M.; Berlicki, Ł.; Olechnowicz, D., Projektowanie Potencjalnych Leków i Pestycydów z Wykorzystaniem Wiedzy o Strukturze Przestrzennej Enzymów. Przem. Chem. 2003, 82, 1087.
  119. Drag, M.; Pawelczak, M.; Kafarski, P., Stereoselective synthesis of 1-aminoalkanephosphonic acids with two chiral centers and their activity towards leucine aminopeptidase. Chirality 2003, 15, 104. View at Publisher
  120. Drag, M.; Latajka, R.; Gumienna-Kontecka, E.; Kozlowski, H.; Kafarski, P. , Stereoselective synthesis, solution structure and metal complexes of (1S,2S)-2-amino-1-hydroxyalkylphosphonic acids. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2003, 14, 1837. View at Publisher
  121. Kafarski, P.; Drąg, M.; Berlicki, Ł.;Pawełczak, M., Synthesis and evaluation of phosphonopeptide Cathepsin C inhibitors. in Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics and Therapeutics, Eds. M. Chorev, T.K. Sawyer, Americam Peptide Society, Boston 2003, 310.
  122. Drag, M.; Grembecka, J.; Kafarski, P., The computer-aided design, synthesis, and activity prediction of new leucine aminopeptidase inhibitors. Phosphorus, Sulfur 2002, 177, 1591. View at Publisher
  123. Drag, M.; Latajka, R.; Gancarz, R.; Kafarski, P.; Pirat, J.L.; Cristau, H.J. , Regio- and stereoselective synthesis, solution conformations of 2-amino-1-hydroxy-2-arylethylphosphonic esters and acids. Phosphrus, Sulfur, and Silicon, and Rel. Elem. 2002, 177, 2191. View at Publisher
  124. Latajka, R.; Drag, M.; Gancarz, R.; Kafarski, P. , Solution conformations of 2-amino-1-hydroxy-2-aryl ethylphosphonic acids and their diethyl esters. J. Mol. Struct. 2002, 605, 79. View at Publisher
  125. Gasowska, B.; Wojtasek, H.; Hurek, J.; DrÄg, M.; Nowak, K.; Kafarski, P., Redox reaction between amino-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methylphosphonic acid and dopaquinone is responsible for the apparent inhibitory effect on tyrosinase Eur. J. Biochem. 2002, 269, 4098. View at Publisher
  126. Drąg, M.; Kafarski, P.; Pirat, J.-L.; Cristau, H.-J., Unexpected opening of diethyl (+/-) - (S,S) - 1,2 - epoxy - 2 – phenylpentyl- phosphonate by NH3(aqu.): An easy entry to ethyl 1 - formyl - 1 – phenylbuthyl- phosphonate Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon 2002, 177, 1153. View at Publisher
  127. Cristau, H.-J.; Pirat, J.-L.; DrÄg, M.; Kafarski, P., Regio- and stereoselective synthesis of 2-amino-1-hydroxy-2-aryl ethylphosphonic esters Tetrahedron Lett. 2000, 41, 9781. View at Publisher

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