Married with Aleksandra, sons Tobiasz (2016) and Juliusz (2018)
Born: Lubin, Poland, April 25, 1986
Hobby: football, action films, music (Rysiek Riedel, Maleńczuk)
Phone: (+48) 71 320 32 60
Google scholar profile (
Research interests
My research focuses on the development of enzymes-selective activity-based probes compatible with Mass Cytometry technology: cytoABPs. For this purpose we label enzyme probes with stable isotopes of lanthanide metals. Such approach enables for the simultaneously detection of multiple (over 40!) enzymes in one sample, which goes far beyond the capacity of fluorescent-labeled ABPs.
See our latest paper on activitiy-based probes for Mass Cytometry

2018 Professor Assistant (Adjunct), Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
2016-2018 Professor Assistant, Post-doctoral Fellow, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
2012-2015 Research Assistant, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
2010-2014 PhD Student, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Ph.D., 2014 Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, “Design and synthesis of substrate libraries containing natural and unnatural amino acids for human cysteine proteases - caspases and cathepsins” supervisor: Marcin Drag, PhD, DSc
M.Sc., 2010 Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, “Substrate mapping of the malaria leucyl aminopeptidase using substrates library” supervisor: Marcin Drag, PhD
Education abroad
2019 Visiting Researcher; Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Perth, Australia, prof. Juliana Hamzah Lab
2016-2018 Post-doctoral Associate; Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
2017-2018 Visiting Researcher, mass cytometry training, La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, CA, USA
2013 Visiting Scholar, SBP Medical Discovery Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA, prof. Guy Salvesen lab
2011 Visiting Scholar, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, prof. Boris Turk lab
Research projects
2019-2021 Grant OPUS from the National Science Centre in Poland. "Dissecting the mechanisms of proteolytic cross-talk underlying pyroptosis, a programmed inflammatory cell death" Principal Investigator
2016-2018 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship, Horizon 2020, European Commission, ”PROVIST: Proteases visualization during tumor progression” I received this MSCA grant as the only researcher from Poland in call H2020-MSCA-IF-2014. Principal Investigator
2013-2015 Grant PRELUDIUM from National Science Centre in Poland. “Unnatural amino acids as a tool for the structure optimization of substrates for human cysteine protease, cathepsin L.” Principal Investigator
2013-2015 Grant Plus Project – investment in innovative development of the Lower Silesia region, financed by European Union. “Design, synthesis and biochemical evaluation of small molecule chemical probes for human apoptotic caspases study”. Principal Investigator
2013-2015 Grant Iuventus Plus from Ministry of Science and Higher Education. “Hybrid, combinatorial fluorogenic substrate library for substrate specificity profiling of human legumain” Principal Investigator
2011-2013 Enterprising Graduate Student Project – investment in innovative development of the Lower Silesia region. Project financed by European Union. “Design and synthesis of the specific fluorogenic substrates for human caspase 3” Principal Investigator
Awards and honours
2017 October Scholarship by Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland for outstanding Young Investigators
2015 October Travel Award - The 9th General Meeting of the International Proteolysis Society, 04-08.10.2015, Penang, Malaysia
2015 March Award for one of the best talk at "XXXII Winter School on Proteinases and Their Inhibitors", Tiers, Italy
2014 April START scholarship founded by the Fundation for Polish Science
2013 December Scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for scientific achievements
2013 October Award of President of Wroclaw University of Technology for outstanding scientific achievements
2013 October Travel Award - The 8th General Meeting of the International Proteolysis Society, 20-24.10.2013, CapeTown, RSA
2013 September Beneficiary of the Project "Development of the Teaching & Research Capacity of Young Academic Staff at Wrocław University of Technology"
2013 April START scholarship founded by the Fundation for Polish Science
2012 October Award of President of Wroclaw University of Technology for outstanding scientific achievements
2012 February Award of President of Wroclaw University of Technology for distinctive contribution in organization and participation in XIII Lower Silesia Festival of Science
2011 October Award of President of Wroclaw University of Technology for outstanding scientific achievements
2011 September Scholarship of President of Wroclaw University of Technology for scientific achievements (for the 2nd year of Ph.D. study)
2011 April Scholarship from the programme: „Rozwój potencjału dydaktyczno-naukowego Młodej Kadry Akademickiej Politechniki Wrocławskiej” (4th edition 1.04.2011-31.09.2011)
2011 April Award of President of Wroclaw University of Technology for outstanding scientific achievements
2010 September Scholarship from the programme: „Rozwój potencjału dydaktyczno-naukowego Młodej Kadry Akademickiej Politechniki Wrocławskiej” (3rd edition 1.10.2010-31.03.2011)
2010 September Scholarship of President of Wroclaw University of Technology for scientific achievements (for the 1st year of Ph.D. study)
2010 September Award “Editorial`s choice” for review paper „Current strategies for probing substrate specificity of proteases” published in Current Medicinal Chemistry
Publications (from ISI Master Journal List)
- Poreba M, Protease-activated prodrugs: strategies, challenges and future directions FEBS Journal 2020, 1. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Groborz K, Navarro M, Snipas SJ, Drag M, Salvesen GS, Caspase selective reagents for diagnosing apoptotic mechanisms Cell Death and Differentiation 2019, 26, 229. View at Publisher
- Cogo F, Poreba M, Rut W, Groborz K, Smyth P, Johnston MC, Williams R, Longley DB, Burden RE, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Scott Ch., Development of an advanced nanoformulation for the intracellular delivery of a caspase-3 selective activity-based probe Nanoscale 2019, 11, 742. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Rut W, Groborz K, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Potent and selective caspase-2 inhibitor prevents MDM-2 cleavage in reversine-treated colon cancer cells Cell Death and Differentiation 2019, 26, 2695. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Recent advances in the development of legumain-selective chemical probes and peptide prodrugs Biological Chemistry 2019, 1. View at Publisher
- de Vries LE, Sanchez MI, Groborz K, Kuppens L, Poreba M, Lehmann C, Nevins N, Withers-Martinez C, Hirst DJ, Yuan F, Arastu-Kapur S, Horn M, Mares M, Bogyo M, Drag M, Deu E, Characterization of P. falciparum dipeptidyl aminopeptidase 3 specificity identifies differences in amino acid preferences between peptide-based substrates and covalent inhibitors FEBS Journal 2019, 286, 3998. View at Publisher
- Groborz K, Gonzalez-Ramirez ML, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Poreba M, Exploring the prime site in caspases as a novel chemical strategy for understanding the mechanisms of cell death: a proof of concept study on necroptosis in cancer cells Cell Death and Differentiation 2019, 1. View at Publisher
- Drąg-Zalesińska M, Rembiałkowska N, Borska S, Saczko J, Drąg M, Poręba M, Kulbacka J, A New Betulin Derivative Stimulates the Synthesis of Collagen in Human Fibroblasts Stronger than its Precursor In vivo 2019, 33, 1087. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Groborz K, Vizovisek M, Maruggi M, Turk D, Turk B, Powis G, Drag M, Salvesen GS, Fluorescent probes towards selective cathepsin B detection and visualization in cancer cells and patient samples Chemical Science 2019, 10, 8461. View at Publisher
- Rut W, Nielsen NV, Czarna J, Poreba M, Kanse SM, Drag M, Fluorescent activity-based probe for the selective detection of Factor VII activating protease (FSAP) in human plasma Thrombosis Research 2019, 182, 124. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Groborz K, Rut W, Pore M, Snipas SJ, Vizovisek M, Turk B, Drag M, Salvesen GS, The Activome: multiplexed probing of activity of proteolytic enzymes using mass cytometry-compatible activity-based probes (TOF-probes) bioRxiv 2019, 1. View at Publisher
- Lunde NN, Gregersen I, Ueland T, Shetelig C, Holm S, Kong XY, Michelsen AE, Otterdal K, Yndestad A, Broch K, Gullestad L, Nyman TA, Bendz B, Eritsland J, Hoffmann P, Skagen K, Gonçalves I, Nilsson J, Grenegard M, Poreba M, Drag M, Seljeflot I, Sporsheim B, Espevik T, Skjelland M, Johansen HT, Solberg R, Aukrust P, Björkbacka H, Andersen GO, Halvorsen B, Legumain is upregulated in acute cardiovascular events and associated with improved outcome - potentially related to anti-inflammatory effects on macrophages. Atherosclerosis 2019, 1. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Rut W, Vizovisek M, Groborz K, Kasperkiewicz P, Finlay D, Vuori K, Turk D, Turk B, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Selective imaging of cathepsin L in breast cancer by fluorescent activity-based probes Chemical Science 2018, 9, 2113. View at Publisher
- Gonzalez-Ramirez ML*, Poreba M*, Snipas SJ, Groborz K, Drag M, Salvesen GS (* equal contribution), Extensive peptide and natural protein substrate screens reveal that mouse caspase-11 has much narrower substrate specificity than caspase-1 Journal of Biological Chemistry 2018, 293, 7058. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Drag M, Screening Combinatorial Peptide Libraries in Protease Inhibitor Drug Discovery Extracellular Targeting of Cell Signaling in Cancer: Strategies Directed at MET and RON Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Pathways, 1 2018, 1. View at Publisher
- Rut W, Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Snipas SJ, Drag M, Selective substrates and activity-based probes for imaging of the human constitutive 20S proteasome in cells and blood samples Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2018, 61, 5222. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz P, Kołt S, Janiszewski T, Groborz K, Poręba M, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drąg M, Determination of extended substrate specificity of the MALT1 as a strategy for the design of potent substrates and activity-based probes Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 15998. View at Publisher
- Balogh B, Dahmen M, Stahl M, Poreba M, Gersch M, Drag M, Sieber SA , Insights into ClpXP proteolysis: heterooligomerization and partial deactivation enhance chaperone affinity and substrate turnover in Listeria monocytogenes Chemical Science 2017, 8, 1592. View at Publisher
- Rut W, Zhang L, Kasperkiewicz P, Poreba M, Hilgenfeld R, Drag M, Extended substrate specificity and first potent irreversible inhibitor/activity-based probe design for Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease Antiviral Research 2017, 139, 88. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz P, Poreba M, Groborz K, Drag M, Emerging challenges in the design of selective protease substrates, inhibitors and activity-based probes for indistinguishable proteases FEBS Journal 2017, 284, 1518. View at Publisher
- Drag-Zalesinska M, Drag M, Poreba M, Borska S, Kulbacka J, Saczko J, Anticancer properties of ester derivatives of betulin in human metastatic melanoma cells (Me-45) Cancer Cell International 2017, 17, 7. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Szalek A, Rut W, Kasperkiewicz P, Rutkowska-Wlodarczyk I, Snipas SJ, Itoh Y, Turk D, Turk B, Overall CM, Kaczmarek L, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Highly sensitive and adaptable fluorescence-quenched pair discloses the substrate specificity profiles in diverse protease families Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 43135. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Salvesen GS, Return of the Ice Age: Caspases Safeguard against Inflammatory Cell Death Cell Chemical Biology 2017, 24, 550. View at Publisher
- Lunde NN, Haugen MH, Bodin Larsen KB, Damgaard I, Pettersen SJ, Kasem R, Rut W, Drag M, Poreba M, Johansen HT, Solberg R, Glycosylation is important for legumain localization and processing to active forms but not for cystatin E/M inhibitory functions Biochimie 2017, 139, 27. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Synthesis of a HyCoSuL peptide substrate library to dissect protease substrate specificity Nature Protocols 2017, 12, 2189. View at Publisher
- Gersch M, Stahl M, Poreba M, Dahmen M, Dziedzic A, Drag M, Sieber SA, Barrel-shaped ClpP proteases display attenuated cleavage specificity ACS Chemical Biology 2016, 11, 389. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Solberg R, Rut W, Lunde NN, Kasperkiewicz P, Snipas SJ, Mihelic M, Turk D, Turk B, Salvesen GS, Drag M., Counter Selection Substrate Library Strategy for Developing Specific Protease Substrates and Probes Cell Chemical Biology 2016, 23, 1023. View at Publisher
- Rut, W.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Byzia, A.; Poreba, M.; Groborz, K.; Drag, M., Recent advances and concepts in substrate specificity determination of proteases using tailored libraries of fluorogenic substrates with unnatural amino acids Biol. Chem. 2015, 396, 329. View at Publisher
- Hachmann J, Edgington-Mitchell LE, Poreba M, Sanman LE, Drag M, Bogyo M, Salvesen GS., Probes to monitor activity of the paracaspase MALT1 Chemistry & biology 2015, 22, 139. View at Publisher
- Drag-Zalesinska M, Wysocka T, Borska S, Drag M, Poreba M, Choromanska A, Kulbacka J, Saczko J., The new esters derivatives of betulin and betulinic acid in epidermoid squamous carcinoma treatment - In vitro studies. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2015, 72, 91. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz P, Poreba M, Snipas SJ, Lin SJ, Kirchhofer D, Salvesen GS, Drag M., Design of a Selective Substrate and Activity Based Probe for Human Neutrophil Serine Protease 4. PLoS One 2015, 10, 1. View at Publisher
- Rajkovic, J.; Poreba, M.; Caglic, D.; Vidmar, R.; Wilk, A.; Borowik, A.; Salvesen, G. S.; Turk, V.; Drag, M.; Turk, B., Biochemical Characterization and Substrate Specificity of Autophagin-2 from the Parasite Trypanosoma cruzi J. Biol. Chem. 2015, 290, 28231. View at Publisher
- Galiullina RA, Kasperkiewicz P, Chichkova NV, Szalek A, Serebryakova MV, Poreba M, Drag M, Vartapetian AB, Substrate Specificity and Possible Heterologous Targets of Phytaspase, a Plant Cell Death Protease. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2015, 290, 24806. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Szalek A, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Small Molecule Active Site Directed Tools for Studying Human Caspases Chemical Reviews 2015, 115, 12546. View at Publisher
- Poręba, M.; Mihelic, M.; Krai, P.; Rajkovic, J.; Krężel, A.; Pawełczak, M.; Klemba, M.; Turk, D.; Turk, B.; Latajka, R.; Drąg, M., Unnatural amino acids increase activity and specificity of synthetic substrates for human and malarial cathepsin C. Amino Acids 2014, 46, 931. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz, P.; Poreba, M.; Snipas, S. J.; Parker, H.; Winterbourn, C. C.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drag, M., Design of ultrasensitive probes for human neutrophil elastase through hybrid combinatorial substrate library profiling. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2014, 111, 2518. View at Publisher
- Poręba, M.; Szalek, A.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Drąg, M., Positional Scanning Substrate Combinatorial Library (PS-SCL) Approach to Define Caspase Substrate Specificity. Methods Mol. Biol. 2014, 1133, 41. View at Publisher
- Poreba, M.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Snipas, S. J.; Fasci, D.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drąg, M., Unnatural amino acids increase sensitivity and provide for the design of highly selective caspase substrates Cell Death & Differentiation 2014, 21, 1482. View at Publisher
- Węglarz-Tomczak, E.; Poręba, M.; Byzia, A.; Berlicki, Ł.; Nocek, B.; Mulligan, R.; Joachimiak, A.; Drąg, M.; Mucha, A., An integrated approach to the ligand binding specificity of Neisseria meningitidis M1 alanine aminopeptidase by fluorogenic substrate profiling, inhibitory studies and molecular modeling. Biochimie 2013, 95, 419. View at Publisher
- Carroll, R.K.; Veillard, F.; Gagne, D.T.; Lindenmuth, J.M.; Poreba, M.; Drag, M.; Potempa, J.; Shaw, L.N., The Staphylococcus aureus leucine aminopeptidase LAP is localized to the bacterial cytosol and demonstrates a broad substrate range that extends beyond leucine. Biol. Chem. 2013, 394, 791. View at Publisher
- Zeiler, E.; List, A.; Alte, F.; Gersch, M.; Wachtel, R.; Poręba, M.; Drąg, M.; Groll, M.; Sieber, S.A., Structural and functional insights into caseinolytic proteases reveal an unprecedented regulation principle of their catalytic triad. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2013, 110, 11302. View at Publisher
- Poręba, M.; Stróżyk, A.; Salvesen, G.S.; Drag, M. , Caspase Substrates and Inhibitors. Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol. 2013, 5, 1. View at Publisher
- Poreba, M.; McGowan, S.; Skinner-Adams, T. S.; Trenholme, K. R.; Gardiner, D. L.; Whisstock, J. C.; To, J.; Salvesen, G. S.; Dalton, J. P.; Drąg, M., Fingerprinting the Substrate Specificity of M1 and M17 Aminopeptidases of Human Malaria, Plasmodium Falciparum. PLoS One 2012, 7, 31938. View at Publisher
- Hachman, J.; Snipas, S. J.; Van Raam, B. J.; Cancino, E. M.; Houlihan, E. J.; Poręba, M.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Drąg, M.; Salvesen, G. S., Mechanism and specificity of the human paracaspase MALT1. Biochem. J. 2012, 443, 287. View at Publisher
- Poręba, M.; Gajda, A.; Picha, J.; Jiracek, J.; Marschner, A.; Klein, C.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drąg, M., S1 pocket fingerprints of human and bacterial methionine aminopeptidases determined using fluorogenic libraries of substrates and phosphorus based inhibitors. Biochimie 2012, 94, 704. View at Publisher
- Sivaraman, K.K.; Oellig, C.A.; Huynh, K.; Atkinson, S.C.; Poreba, M.; Perugini, M.A.; Trenholme, K.R.; Gardiner, D.L.; Salvesen, G.; Drag, M.; Dalton, J.P.; Whisstock, J.C.; McGowan, S., X-ray crystal structure and specificity of the Plasmodium falciparum malaria aminopeptidase PfM18AAP. J. Mol. Biol. 2012, 422, 495. View at Publisher
- Veillard, F.; Potempa, B.; Poreba, M.; Drag, M.; Potempa, J., Gingipain aminopeptidase activities in Porphyromonas gingivalis. Biol. Chem. 2012, 393, 1471. View at Publisher
- Zervoudi, E.; Papakyriakou, A.; Georgiadou, D.; Evnouchidou, I.; Gajda, A.; Poręba, M.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drąg, M.; Hattori, A.; Swevers, L.; Vourloumis, D.; Stratikos, E., Probing the S1 specificity pocket of the aminopeptidases that generate antigenic peptides. Biochem J. 2011, 435, 411. View at Publisher
- Poręba, M.; Drąg, M., Current strategies for probing substrate specificity of proteases. Curr. Med. Chem. 2010, 17, 3968. View at Publisher
Publications (in polish)
- Poreba, M.; Kaspazy inicjatorowe i egzekucyjne w kontekście projektowania małocząsteczkowych markerów chemicznych Nowe trendy w naukach przyrodniczych – monografie. 2012, tom V, 141.
- Barwinek, D.; Poreba, M.; Drag. M; Substraty fluorogeniczne zawierające nienaturalne aminokwasy jako narzędzie w badaniu kaspaz. Prace Badawcze Studentów Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2012, 10, 13.
- Poreba, M.; Kasperkiewicz, P., Narzędzia chemii biologicznej w badaniu proteaz. Nowe trendy w naukach przyrodniczych – monografie. 2012, tom II, 112.
- Kasperkiewicz, P.; Poreba, M., Ludzka neutrofilowa elastaza (HNE) – przegląd. Nowe trendy w naukach przyrodniczych – monografie. 2012, tom II, 187.
Conference communications
- Poreba M, Rut W, Rutkowska I, Kaczmarek L, Overall Ch, Drag M; New selective internally quenched substrates for the investigation of human matrix mettaloproteinases 2 and 9; The 9th General Meeting of the International Proteolysis Society, 04-08.10.2015, Penang, Malaysia (poster)
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Turk B, Drag M; HyCoSuL approach fot the optimization of cathepsin L substrate specificty; XXXII Winter School on Proteinases and Their Inhibitors, 25.02.-01.03.2015, Tiers am Rosegarden, Italy (oral presentation).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drag M; Unnatural amino acids as a new tool for investigation of substrate specificity of human caspases; VI Conversatory on Medicinal Chemistry, 18.09.-20.09.2014, Lublin, Poland (oral presentation).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drag M; HyCoSuL approach as a tool for identification of new, specific substrates and inhibitors for human caspase 2; XIVth Symposium on Proteases, Inhibitors and Biological Control, 06.09.-10.09.2014, Portoroz, Slovenia (poster).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drag M; HyCoSuL as a new tool providing for the design of caspase specific substrates; Gordon Research Conference on Proteolytic Enzymes and their Inhibitors, 22.07.-27.07.2014, Il Ciocco, Italy (poster).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Mihelic M, Snipas SJ, Turk B, Turk D, Salvesen GS, Drag M; Design of highly specific substrates and activity probes for legumain through HyCoSuL profiling; Gordon Research Seminar on Proteolytic Enzymes and their Inhibitors, 21.07.-22.07.2014, Il Ciocco, Italy (poster).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Snipas SJ, Turk D, Salvesen GS, Drag M; Unnatural amino acids provide for the design of highly selective substrates for caspases and legumain; Pacific Coast Protease Spring School, 29.04.-02.05.2014, Miracle Springs Resort & Spa Desert Hot Springs, California, USA (oral presentation).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Mihelic M, Turk D, Turk B, Drag M; Legumain substrate specificity determined by Hybrid Combinatorial Substrate Library (HyCoSuL) approach; XXXIst Winter School on Proteinases and Their Inhibitors, 26.02.-02.03.2014, Tiers am Rosengarten, Italy (oral presentation).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Snipas SJ, Mihelic M, Turk B, Salvesen GS, Drag M.; The use of unnatural amino acids in peptide fluorogenic substrates reveals unexpected active site preferences of human caspases and legumain; The 8th General Meeting of the International Proteolysis Society, 20-24.10.2013, CapeTown, RSA (poster).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drag M.; Initiator caspases can be distinguished by small molecule fluorogenic substrates containing unnatural amino acids. XXXth Winter School on Proteinases and Their Inhibitors, 27.02-03.03.2013, Tiers, Italy (oral presentation).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Drag M.; Hybrid combinatorial library of flurogenic substrates as a new tool for profiling active site specificity of human caspases; XIIIth Symposium on Proteases, Inhibitors and Biological Control, 22-26.09.2012, Portoroz, Slovenia (poster).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz, Drag M.; Fluorogenic substrate libraries with unnatural amino acids as tools for investigation of important human cysteine proteases; Gordon Research Conference on Proteolytic Enzymes and their Inhibitors; 17-22.06.2012, Il Ciocco, Italy (poster).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz, Drag M.; Fluorogenic substrate libraries with unnatural amino acids as tools for investigation of important human cysteine proteases; Gordon Research Seminar on Proteolytic Enzymes and their Inhibitors; 16-17.06.2012, Il Ciocco, Italy (oral presentation).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drag M.; Combinatorial chemistry-based approach for profiling human caspase 3; Na pograniczu biologii i chemii; 05.2012, Ustron, Poland (oral presentation).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz, P., Gajda, A., Drąg, M.; Combinatorial substrate library as a tool for investigation of important human proteases. Studies on substrate specificity of cathepsin C; 21st Polish Peptide Symposium, 4-8.09.2011, Suprasl, Poland (oral presentation).
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz, P., Gajda, A., Drag, M.; Protease based drug discovery. Studies on substrate specificity of cathepsin C Young Scientists Forum, 30.06-1.07.2011, Warsaw, Poland (poster).
- Poreba M, Gajda, A., Pawelczak, M., Marschner, A., Klein, Ch., Bogyo, M., Ellman, J.A., Salvesen, G.S., Drag, M.; Substrate Specificity of medicinally important human aminopeptidases; 12th International Symposium on proteases, inhibitors and biological control; 25-29.09.2010; Portoroz, Slovenia (poster).
- Poreba M, Jewginski, M., Pawełczak, M., Latajka, R., Drąg, M., Substrate specificity of cathepsin C (DPPI) determined using broad range of natural and unnatural amino acids; 12th International Symposium on proteases, inhibitors and biological control; 25-29.09.2010; Portoroz, Slovenia (poster).