Paulina Kasperkiewicz Ph.D.

Paulina Kasperkiewicz
Publications (from ISI Master Journal List)
- Aaltonen N, Singha PK, Jakupović H, Wirth T, Samaranayake H, Pasonen-Seppänen S, Rilla K, Varjosalo M, Edgington-Mitchell LE, Kasperkiewicz P, Drag M, Kälvälä S, Moisio E, Savinainen JR, Laitinen JT, High-Resolution Confocal Fluorescence Imaging of Serine Hydrolase Activity in Cryosections - Application to Glioma Brain Unveils Activity Hotspots Originating from Tumor-Associated Neutrophils. Biological Procedures Online 2020, 22, 1. View at Publisher
- Kołt S, Janiszewski T, Kaiserman D, Modrzycka S, Snipas SJ, Salvesen G, Dra G M, Bird PI, Kasperkiewicz P, Detection of Active Granzyme A in NK92 Cells with Fluorescent Activity-Based Probe. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2020, 1. View at Publisher
- Groborz K, Kolt S, Kasperkiewicz P, Drag M, Internally Quenched Fluorogenic substrates with unnatural amino acids for cathepsin G investigation Biochimie 2019, 166, 103. View at Publisher
- Babin BM, Kasperkiewicz P, Janiszewski T, Yoo E, Drag M, Bogyo M, Leveraging peptide substrate libraries to design inhibitors of bacterial Lon protease ACS Chemical Biology 2019, 1. View at Publisher
- Anderson BM, Poole DP, Aurelio L, Ng GZ, Fleischmann M, Kasperkiewicz P, Morissette C, Drag M, van Driel IR, Schmidt BL, Vanner SJ, Bunnett NW, Edgington-Mitchell LE, Application of a chemical probe to detect neutrophil elastase activation during inflammatory bowel disease Scientific Reports 2019, 9, 13295. View at Publisher
- Aaltonen N, Singha P, Jakupovic H, Wirth T, Samaranayake H, Pasonen-Seppanen S, Rilla K, Varjosalo M, Edgington-Mitchell L, Kasperkiewicz P, Drag M, Kalvala S, Moisio E, Savinainen JR, Laitinen JT, Tissue-ABPP enables high-resolution confocal fluorescence imaging of serine hydrolase activity in cryosections – Application to glioma brain unveils activity hotspots originating from tumor-associated neutrophils bioRxiv 2019, 1. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Rut W, Vizovisek M, Groborz K, Kasperkiewicz P, Finlay D, Vuori K, Turk D, Turk B, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Selective imaging of cathepsin L in breast cancer by fluorescent activity-based probes Chemical Science 2018, 9, 2113. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Drag M, Screening Combinatorial Peptide Libraries in Protease Inhibitor Drug Discovery Extracellular Targeting of Cell Signaling in Cancer: Strategies Directed at MET and RON Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Pathways, 1 2018, 1. View at Publisher
- Rut W, Poreba M, Kasperkiewicz P, Snipas SJ, Drag M, Selective substrates and activity-based probes for imaging of the human constitutive 20S proteasome in cells and blood samples Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2018, 61, 5222. View at Publisher
- Barry R, John SW, Liccardi G, Tenev T, Jaco J, Chen Ch, Choi J, Kasperkiewicz P, Fernandes-Alnemri T, Alnemri E, Drag M, Chen Y, Meier P, SUMO-mediated regulation of NLRP3 modulates inflammasome activity Nature Communications 2018, 9, 3001. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz P, Kołt S, Janiszewski T, Groborz K, Poręba M, Snipas SJ, Salvesen GS, Drąg M, Determination of extended substrate specificity of the MALT1 as a strategy for the design of potent substrates and activity-based probes Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 15998. View at Publisher
- Rut W, Zhang L, Kasperkiewicz P, Poreba M, Hilgenfeld R, Drag M, Extended substrate specificity and first potent irreversible inhibitor/activity-based probe design for Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease Antiviral Research 2017, 139, 88. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz P, Poreba M, Groborz K, Drag M, Emerging challenges in the design of selective protease substrates, inhibitors and activity-based probes for indistinguishable proteases FEBS Journal 2017, 284, 1518. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Szalek A, Rut W, Kasperkiewicz P, Rutkowska-Wlodarczyk I, Snipas SJ, Itoh Y, Turk D, Turk B, Overall CM, Kaczmarek L, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Highly sensitive and adaptable fluorescence-quenched pair discloses the substrate specificity profiles in diverse protease families Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 43135. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz P, Altman Y, D'Angelo M, Salvesen GS, Drag M, A toolbox of fluorescent probes for parallel imaging reveals uneven location of serine proteases in neutrophils Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139, 10115. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Solberg R, Rut W, Lunde NN, Kasperkiewicz P, Snipas SJ, Mihelic M, Turk D, Turk B, Salvesen GS, Drag M., Counter Selection Substrate Library Strategy for Developing Specific Protease Substrates and Probes Cell Chemical Biology 2016, 23, 1023. View at Publisher
- Lechtenberg, B. C.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Robinson, H.; Drag, M.; Riedl, S. J., The Elastase-PK101 structure: Mechanism of an ultrasensitive activity-based probe revealed ACS Chem. Biol. 2015, 10, 945. View at Publisher
- Rut, W.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Byzia, A.; Poreba, M.; Groborz, K.; Drag, M., Recent advances and concepts in substrate specificity determination of proteases using tailored libraries of fluorogenic substrates with unnatural amino acids Biol. Chem. 2015, 396, 329. View at Publisher
- Bekes, M.; Rut, W.; Kasperkiewicz, P. Mulder, M. P.; Ovaa, H.; Drag, M.; Lima, C. D.; Huang, T. T., SARS hCoV papain-like protease is a unique Lys48 linkage-specific di-distributive deubiquitinating enzyme. Biochem. J. 2015, 468, 215. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz P, Poreba M, Snipas SJ, Lin SJ, Kirchhofer D, Salvesen GS, Drag M., Design of a Selective Substrate and Activity Based Probe for Human Neutrophil Serine Protease 4. PLoS One 2015, 10, 1. View at Publisher
- Galiullina RA, Kasperkiewicz P, Chichkova NV, Szalek A, Serebryakova MV, Poreba M, Drag M, Vartapetian AB, Substrate Specificity and Possible Heterologous Targets of Phytaspase, a Plant Cell Death Protease. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2015, 290, 24806. View at Publisher
- Poreba M, Szalek A, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Salvesen GS, Drag M, Small Molecule Active Site Directed Tools for Studying Human Caspases Chemical Reviews 2015, 115, 12546. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz, P.; Poreba, M.; Snipas, S. J.; Parker, H.; Winterbourn, C. C.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drag, M., Design of ultrasensitive probes for human neutrophil elastase through hybrid combinatorial substrate library profiling. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2014, 111, 2518. View at Publisher
- Poręba, M.; Szalek, A.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Drąg, M., Positional Scanning Substrate Combinatorial Library (PS-SCL) Approach to Define Caspase Substrate Specificity. Methods Mol. Biol. 2014, 1133, 41. View at Publisher
- Poreba, M.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Snipas, S. J.; Fasci, D.; Salvesen, G. S.; Drąg, M., Unnatural amino acids increase sensitivity and provide for the design of highly selective caspase substrates Cell Death & Differentiation 2014, 21, 1482. View at Publisher
- Hachman, J.; Snipas, S. J.; Van Raam, B. J.; Cancino, E. M.; Houlihan, E. J.; Poręba, M.; Kasperkiewicz, P.; Drąg, M.; Salvesen, G. S., Mechanism and specificity of the human paracaspase MALT1. Biochem. J. 2012, 443, 287. View at Publisher
- Kasperkiewicz, P.; Gajda, A. D.; Drąg, M., Current and prospective applications of non-proteinogenic amino acids in profiling of proteases substrate specificity. Biol. Chem 2012, 393, 843. View at Publisher
- Sieńczyk M, Winiarski Ł, Kasperkiewicz P, Psurski M, Wietrzyk J, Oleksyszyn J., Simple phosphonic inhibitors of human neutrophil elastase Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2011, 21, 1310. View at Publisher
Publications (in polish)
- Kasperkiewicz, P., Ludzkie neutrofilowe proteinazy - podobieństwa i różnice Nowe trendy w naukach przyrodniczych – monografie 2012 tom V, 176-182.
- Bieniek K., Kasperkiewicz P., Drąg M., Zastosowanie nienaturalnych aminokwasów do badania specyficzności substratowej proteaz serynowych','Prace Naukowe Wydziału Chemicznego Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Prace Badawcze Studentów 2012; Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej; 2012, z.10, pp 19-24
- Poreba, M.; Kasperkiewicz, P., Narzędzia chemii biologicznej w badaniu proteaz. Nowe trendy w naukach przyrodniczych – monografie. 2011 tom II, 112.
- Kasperkiewicz, P.; Poreba, M., Ludzka neutrofilowa elastaza (HNE) – przegląd. Nowe trendy w naukach przyrodniczych – monografie. 2011, tom II, 187.
- Paulina Kasperkiewicz, Marcin Sieńczyk, Synteza inhibitorów Ludzkiej Neutrofilowej Elastazy o strukturze ogólnej R-NH-AlaP(OAr)2; Prace Naukowe Wydziału Chemicznego Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Prace Badawcze Studentów 2010; Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej; 2010, z.8, pp 60-65