professor Stanisław Lochyński

Stanisław Lochyński
- Kozioł, A., Jasnowski, M., Grela, E., Szczepanik, M., Gabryś, B., Dancewicz, K., Lochyński, S.,, Synthesis and Biological Activity of New 4-tert-Butylcyclohexanone Derivatives Chem. Biodiversity 2019, 16, 1. View at Publisher
- Kozioł, A., Grela, E., Macegoniuk, K.M., Grabowiecka, A., Lochyński, S., Synthesis of nitrogen-containing monoterpenoids with antibacterial activity Nat. Prod. Res., 2019, 1. View at Publisher
- Kozioł, A., Frątczak, J., Grela, E., Szczepanik, M., Gabryś, B., Dancewicz, K., Lochyński, S.,, Synthesis and biological activity of new derivatives with the preserved carane system Nat. Prod. Res., 2018, 1.
- Kozioł, A.,Macegoniuk, K.M., Grela, E., Grabowiecka, A., Biernat, M., Lochyński, S., Synthesis of terpenoid oxo derivatives with antiureolytic activity Mol. Biol. Rep., 2018, 1.
- Sokoła-Wysoczańska, E., Wysoczański, T., Wagner, J., Czyż, K., Bodkowski, R., Lochyński, S., Patkowska-Sokoła, B.,, Polyunsaturated fatty acids and their potential therapeutic role in cardiovascular system disorders - a review. Nutrients, 2018, 10, 1561.
- Strub, D.J., Garboś, A., Lochyński, S., Synthesis, lipase catalyzed kinetic resolution, and determination of the absolute configuration of enantiomers of the Morita-Baylis-Hillman adduct 3-hydroxy-2-methylenebutanenitrile ARKIVOC 2017, 313. View at Publisher
- Kozioł, A., Mroczko, L., Niewiadomska, M., Lochyński, S., ?-Lactones with potential biological activity Pol. J. Natur. Sc., 2017, 32, 495.
- Surowiak, A., Lochyński, S.,, Aktywność biologiczna oksymów. W: Na pograniczu chemii i biologii. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2017, 37, 21.
- Strub, D.J.; Salat, K.; Librowski, T.; Lochynski, S.; Gawel, M.; Podkowa, A., The anxiolytic-like activity of a novel N-cycloalkyl- N-benzoylpiperazine derivative. Pharm. Rep. 2016, 68, 62. View at Publisher
- Strub, D.J.; Kula, J.; Sikora, M.; Gibka, J.; Lochynski, S., Synthesis and olfactory evaluation of homologous series of (+)- and (-)-carvone oxime ethers Flavour Frag. J. 2016, 31, 81. View at Publisher
- Wysoczański, T., Sokoła-Wysoczańska, E., Pękala, J., Lochyński, S., Czyż K., Bodkowski, R., Herbinger, G., Patkowska-Sokoła, B., Librowski, T., Omega-3 Fatty Acids and their Role in Central Nervous System - A Review Curr. Med. Chem. 2016, 23, 816. View at Publisher
- Kaczmarczyk, D., Strub, D., Polowy, A., Wilk, K.A., Lochyński, S., Selected Essential Oils in Cosmetic Emulsions: Process Oriented Stability Studies and Antimicrobial Activity Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils 2015, 2, 27.
- Kaczmarczyk, D., Lochyński, S., Microorganisms present in products of biotransformation of tea. Pol. J. Cosmetol. 2015, 18, 241.
- Kaczmarczyk D., Lochyński S., Kombucha broth as a natural source of organic acids Na pograniczu chemii i biologii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2015, 35, 13.
- Stryjewska, A., Lochyński, S., Biosynthesis of two new derivatives with a fenchane unit, obtained by biotransformation with Aspergillus niger ATCC 10549 PhD Interdysciplinary Journal 2015, 1, 133.
- Pękala, J., Strub, D.J., Kozioł, A., Lochyński, S., Variability of biological activities of limonoids derived from plant sources. Mini-Rev. Org. Chem. 2014, 11, 269. View at Publisher
- Strub, D., Balcerzak, L., Lochyński, S., (+)-3-Carene: valuable starting material for synthesis of low-molecular compounds with olfactory properties Curr. Org. Chem. 2014, 18, 446. View at Publisher
- Strub, D., Balcerzak, L., Niewiadomska, M., Kula, J., Sikora, M., Gibka, J., Lochyński, S., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 8: Synthesis of terpenoids from (1S,4R)- and (1R,4S)-fenchone and their comparative odour characteristics. Tetrahedron-Asymmetr. 2014, 25, 1038. View at Publisher
- Balcerzak L., Lipok J., Strub D.J., Lochyński S., Biotransformations of monoterpenes by photoautotrophic microorganisms J. Appl. Microb. 2014, 115, 1523. View at Publisher
- Kozioł, A., Stryjewska, A., Librowski, T., Sałat, K., Gaweł, M., Moniczewski, A., Lochyński, S., An Overview of the Pharmacological Properties and Potential Applications of Natural Monoterpenes Mini-Rev. Med. Chem. 2014, 14, 1156. View at Publisher
- Kaczmarczyk, D., Lochyński, S., Products of biotransformation of tea infusion – properties and application Pol. J. Natur. Sc., 2014, 29, 381.
- Szmigiel, B., Żymańczyk-Duda, E., Lochyński, S., Hydroxyacids - structure, activity and application in cosmetology and dermatology. Pol. J. Cosmetol. 2014, 17, 127.
- Stryjewska, A., Kiepura, K., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Biotechnology and genetic engineering in the new drug development.Part I. DNA technology and recombinant proteins Pharm. Rep. 2013, 65, 1075. View at Publisher
- Stryjewska, A., Kiepura, K., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Biotechnology and genetic engineering in the new drug development.Part II. Monoclonal antibodies, modern vaccines and gene therapy Pharm. Rep. 2013, 65, 1086.
- Stryjewska, A., Kiepura, K., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Biotechnology and genetic engineering in the new drug development. Part III. Biocatalysis, metabolic engineering and molecular modeling Pharm. Rep. 2013, 65, 1102.
- Wincza, E. Lochyński S., Chemical and microbiological oxidation of (–)-cis-carane-4-one leading to chiral compounds and evaluation of their antifeedant activity ARKIVOC 2012, 2012, 196.
- Kuriata-Adamusiak, R., Strub, D., Lochyński, S., Application of microorganisms towards synthesis of chiral terpenoid derivatives. Appl. Microbiol. Biot. 2012, 95, 1427. View at Publisher
- Kaczmarczyk, D., Lochyński S., Nieinwazyjne metody badania wybranych parametrów skóry. Na pograniczu chemii i biologii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2012, 30, 139.
- Balcerzak L., Strub D., Lipok J., Lochyński S., Biotransformacje pochodnych terpenoidowych przy użyciu cyjanobakterii Na pogranicz chemii i biologii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2012, 29, 13.
- Moniczewski, A., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Strub, D.,, Evaluation of the irritating influence of carane derivatives and their antioxidant properties in a deoxyribose degradation test Pharmacol Rep 2011, 63, 120.
- Kuriata-Adamusiak, R., Strub, D., Szatkowski, P., Lochyński, S., Biotransformation of bicyclic terpenoid ketones towards new compounds with olfactory properties. Flavour Fragr. J. 2011, 26, 351. View at Publisher
- Pękala, J., Patkowska-Sokoła, B., Bodkowski, R., Jamroz, D., Nowakowski, P., Lochyński, S., Librowski, T., L-Carnitine - Metabolic Functions and Meaning in Humans Life. Curr. Drug Metab. 2011, 12, 667. View at Publisher
- Pękala, J., Patkowska-Sokoła, B., Bodkowski, R., Dobrzański, Z., Nowakowski, P., Steininger, M., Lochyński, S., Use of spectroscopic methods for determination of L-carnitine content in milk. Przem. Chem. 2011, 90, 978.
- Gajcy, K.; Lochyński, S.; Librowski, T., A role of GABA analogues in the treatment of Neurological diseases Curr Med Chem 2010, 17, 2338.
- Kuriata, R., Gajcy, K., Turowska-Tyrk, I., Lochyński, S.;, Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 6: Chemoenzymatic synthesis of chiral bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane derivatives with olfactory properties. Tetrahedron: Asymetry 2010, 21, 805.
- Gajcy, K., Pękala, J., Frąckowiak-Wojtasek, B., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 7: Novel rigidified amino acids from (+)-3-carene designed as chiral GABA analogues Tetrahedron Asymmetr 2010, 21, 2015. View at Publisher
- Strub, D., Lochyński, S., Drugs enhancing learning and memory processes. Na pograniczu chemii i biologii, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Poznan 2010, 25, 91.
- Strub, D., Lochyński, S., Medical aspects of cognitive enhancement. Papers of Students of the Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology Press, Wrocław 2010, 15, 156.
- Kaczmarczyk, D., Lochyński S., Kombucha as a modern active component used in cosmetic recipe. Pol. J. Cosmetol. 2010, 13, 231.
- Gajcy, K.; Librowski, T.; Lochyński, S., Concise synthesis of non-protein amino acid from natural product via Schmidt reaction Lett Org Chem 2009, 6, 186.
- Halama, A., Kuliński, M., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Polimer-based non-viral gene delivery as a concept for the treatment of cancer Pharmacol Rep 2009, 61, 993.
- Wincza, E.; Frąckowiak, B.; Lochyński, S.; Nawrot, J. , Insect feeding deterrent activity of terpenoid lactones with carane system Chemistry for Agriculture 2007, 8, 302.
- Frąckowiak, B.; Ochalik, K.; Białońska, A.; Ciunik, Z.; Wawrzeńczyk, C.; Lochyński, S., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 5: Synthesis of chiral lactones fused to a carane system—insect feeding deterrents. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2006, 17, 124.
- Kubacka, M.; Librowski, T.; Czarnecki, R.; Frąckowiak, B.; Lochyński, S.; , Anticonvulsant and antidepressant activity of the selected terpene GABA derivatives in experimental tests in mice Pharmacol Rep 2006, 58, 936.
- Frackowiak, B.; Olejniczak, T.; Latajka, R.; Bialonska, A.; Ciunik, Z.; Lochynski, S. , Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 4: Fragrant terpenoid derivatives with an unsaturated gem-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.0]hexane system. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2005, 16, 3352.
- Lochyński, S., Nowe biologicznie aktywne terpenoidt uzyskane z (+)-3-karenu Prace Naukowe Instytutu Chemii Organicznej, Biochemii i Biotechnologii Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Seria Monografie 2004, 41(25), 1-98.
- Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, M.; Rog, T.; Grochowski, J.; Serda, P.; Czarnecki, R.; Librowski, T.; Lochyński, S., Effects of a carane derivative local anesthetic on a phospholipid bilayer studied by molecular dynamics simulation. Biophys. J. 2003, 85, 1248.
- Lochyński, S.; Frackowiak, B.; Olejniczak, T.; Ciunik, Z.; Wawrzeńczyk, C., Lactones. Part 15: Synthesis of chiral spirolactones with a carane system - insect feeding deterrents. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2002, 13, 1761.
- Lochyński, S.; Frąckowiak, B.; Librowski, T.; Czarnecki, R.; Grochowski, J.; Serda, P.; Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, M., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 3: Hydrolytic kinetic resolution as a convenient approach to chiral aminohydroxyiminocaranes with local anaesthetic activity. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2002, 13, 873.
- Grochowski, J.; Serda, P.; Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, M.; Czarnecki, R.; Librowski, T.; Lochyński, S.; Frąckowiak, B., Structural characterizatiion of carane derivative stereoisomers - Potent local anesthetics. Acta Phys. Polon. A 2002, 101, 665.
- Lochyński, S.; Kowalska, K.; Wawrzeńczyk, C., Synthesis and odour characteristics of new derivatives from the carane system. Flavour Frag. J. 2002, 17, 181.
- Lochyński, S.; Frąckowiak, B., Stereokontrolowana synteza chiralnych pochodnych terpenowych posiadających aktywność farmakologiczną. II Sympozjum Centrum Biomonitoringu, Biotechnologii i Ochrony Ekosystemów Dolnego Śląska, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej 2002, 51.
- Librowski, T.; Czarnecki, R.; Lochyński, S.; Frąckowiak, B.; Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, M.; Grochowski, J.; Serda, P., Comparative investigations of hydroxyamine carane derivative and its R,S-diastereoisomers with strong local anesthetic activity. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 2001, 53, 535.
- Lochyński, S.; Kułdo, J.; Frąckowiak, B.; Holband, J.; Wójcik, G., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 2: Synthesis of new chiral amino acids with potential neuroactivity. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2000, 11, 129