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Department of Chemical Biology and Bioimaging

professor Stanisław Lochyński


Stanisław Lochyński


  1. Kozioł, A., Jasnowski, M., Grela, E., Szczepanik, M., Gabryś, B., Dancewicz, K., Lochyński, S.,, Synthesis and Biological Activity of New 4-tert-Butylcyclohexanone Derivatives Chem. Biodiversity 2019, 16, 1. View at Publisher
  2. Kozioł, A., Grela, E., Macegoniuk, K.M., Grabowiecka, A., Lochyński, S., Synthesis of nitrogen-containing monoterpenoids with antibacterial activity Nat. Prod. Res., 2019, 1. View at Publisher
  3. Kozioł, A., Frątczak, J., Grela, E., Szczepanik, M., Gabryś, B., Dancewicz, K., Lochyński, S.,, Synthesis and biological activity of new derivatives with the preserved carane system Nat. Prod. Res., 2018, 1.
  4. Kozioł, A.,Macegoniuk, K.M., Grela, E., Grabowiecka, A., Biernat, M., Lochyński, S., Synthesis of terpenoid oxo derivatives with antiureolytic activity Mol. Biol. Rep., 2018, 1.
  5. Sokoła-Wysoczańska, E., Wysoczański, T., Wagner, J., Czyż, K., Bodkowski, R., Lochyński, S., Patkowska-Sokoła, B.,, Polyunsaturated fatty acids and their potential therapeutic role in cardiovascular system disorders - a review. Nutrients, 2018, 10, 1561.
  6. Strub, D.J., Garboś, A., Lochyński, S., Synthesis, lipase catalyzed kinetic resolution, and determination of the absolute configuration of enantiomers of the Morita-Baylis-Hillman adduct 3-hydroxy-2-methylenebutanenitrile ARKIVOC 2017, 313. View at Publisher
  7. Kozioł, A., Mroczko, L., Niewiadomska, M., Lochyński, S., ?-Lactones with potential biological activity Pol. J. Natur. Sc., 2017, 32, 495.
  8. Surowiak, A., Lochyński, S.,, Aktywność biologiczna oksymów. W: Na pograniczu chemii i biologii. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2017, 37, 21.
  9. Strub, D.J.; Salat, K.; Librowski, T.; Lochynski, S.; Gawel, M.; Podkowa, A., The anxiolytic-like activity of a novel N-cycloalkyl- N-benzoylpiperazine derivative. Pharm. Rep. 2016, 68, 62. View at Publisher
  10. Strub, D.J.; Kula, J.; Sikora, M.; Gibka, J.; Lochynski, S., Synthesis and olfactory evaluation of homologous series of (+)- and (-)-carvone oxime ethers Flavour Frag. J. 2016, 31, 81. View at Publisher
  11. Wysoczański, T., Sokoła-Wysoczańska, E., Pękala, J., Lochyński, S., Czyż K., Bodkowski, R., Herbinger, G., Patkowska-Sokoła, B., Librowski, T., Omega-3 Fatty Acids and their Role in Central Nervous System - A Review Curr. Med. Chem. 2016, 23, 816. View at Publisher
  12. Kaczmarczyk, D., Strub, D., Polowy, A., Wilk, K.A., Lochyński, S., Selected Essential Oils in Cosmetic Emulsions: Process Oriented Stability Studies and Antimicrobial Activity Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils 2015, 2, 27.
  13. Kaczmarczyk, D., Lochyński, S., Microorganisms present in products of biotransformation of tea. Pol. J. Cosmetol. 2015, 18, 241.
  14. Kaczmarczyk D., Lochyński S., Kombucha broth as a natural source of organic acids Na pograniczu chemii i biologii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2015, 35, 13.
  15. Stryjewska, A., Lochyński, S., Biosynthesis of two new derivatives with a fenchane unit, obtained by biotransformation with Aspergillus niger ATCC 10549 PhD Interdysciplinary Journal 2015, 1, 133.
  16. Pękala, J., Strub, D.J., Kozioł, A., Lochyński, S., Variability of biological activities of limonoids derived from plant sources. Mini-Rev. Org. Chem. 2014, 11, 269. View at Publisher
  17. Strub, D., Balcerzak, L., Lochyński, S., (+)-3-Carene: valuable starting material for synthesis of low-molecular compounds with olfactory properties Curr. Org. Chem. 2014, 18, 446. View at Publisher
  18. Strub, D., Balcerzak, L., Niewiadomska, M., Kula, J., Sikora, M., Gibka, J., Lochyński, S., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 8: Synthesis of terpenoids from (1S,4R)- and (1R,4S)-fenchone and their comparative odour characteristics. Tetrahedron-Asymmetr. 2014, 25, 1038. View at Publisher
  19. Balcerzak L., Lipok J., Strub D.J., Lochyński S., Biotransformations of monoterpenes by photoautotrophic microorganisms J. Appl. Microb. 2014, 115, 1523. View at Publisher
  20. Kozioł, A., Stryjewska, A., Librowski, T., Sałat, K., Gaweł, M., Moniczewski, A., Lochyński, S., An Overview of the Pharmacological Properties and Potential Applications of Natural Monoterpenes Mini-Rev. Med. Chem. 2014, 14, 1156. View at Publisher
  21. Kaczmarczyk, D., Lochyński, S., Products of biotransformation of tea infusion – properties and application Pol. J. Natur. Sc., 2014, 29, 381.
  22. Szmigiel, B., Żymańczyk-Duda, E., Lochyński, S., Hydroxyacids - structure, activity and application in cosmetology and dermatology. Pol. J. Cosmetol. 2014, 17, 127.
  23. Stryjewska, A., Kiepura, K., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Biotechnology and genetic engineering in the new drug development.Part I. DNA technology and recombinant proteins Pharm. Rep. 2013, 65, 1075. View at Publisher
  24. Stryjewska, A., Kiepura, K., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Biotechnology and genetic engineering in the new drug development.Part II. Monoclonal antibodies, modern vaccines and gene therapy Pharm. Rep. 2013, 65, 1086.
  25. Stryjewska, A., Kiepura, K., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Biotechnology and genetic engineering in the new drug development. Part III. Biocatalysis, metabolic engineering and molecular modeling Pharm. Rep. 2013, 65, 1102.
  26. Wincza, E. Lochyński S., Chemical and microbiological oxidation of (–)-cis-carane-4-one leading to chiral compounds and evaluation of their antifeedant activity ARKIVOC 2012, 2012, 196.
  27. Kuriata-Adamusiak, R., Strub, D., Lochyński, S., Application of microorganisms towards synthesis of chiral terpenoid derivatives. Appl. Microbiol. Biot. 2012, 95, 1427. View at Publisher
  28. Kaczmarczyk, D., Lochyński S., Nieinwazyjne metody badania wybranych parametrów skóry. Na pograniczu chemii i biologii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2012, 30, 139.
  29. Balcerzak L., Strub D., Lipok J., Lochyński S., Biotransformacje pochodnych terpenoidowych przy użyciu cyjanobakterii Na pogranicz chemii i biologii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2012, 29, 13.
  30. Moniczewski, A., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Strub, D.,, Evaluation of the irritating influence of carane derivatives and their antioxidant properties in a deoxyribose degradation test Pharmacol Rep 2011, 63, 120.
  31. Kuriata-Adamusiak, R., Strub, D., Szatkowski, P., Lochyński, S., Biotransformation of bicyclic terpenoid ketones towards new compounds with olfactory properties. Flavour Fragr. J. 2011, 26, 351. View at Publisher
  32. Pękala, J., Patkowska-Sokoła, B., Bodkowski, R., Jamroz, D., Nowakowski, P., Lochyński, S., Librowski, T., L-Carnitine - Metabolic Functions and Meaning in Humans Life. Curr. Drug Metab. 2011, 12, 667. View at Publisher
  33. Pękala, J., Patkowska-Sokoła, B., Bodkowski, R., Dobrzański, Z., Nowakowski, P., Steininger, M., Lochyński, S., Use of spectroscopic methods for determination of L-carnitine content in milk. Przem. Chem. 2011, 90, 978.
  34. Gajcy, K.; Lochyński, S.; Librowski, T., A role of GABA analogues in the treatment of Neurological diseases Curr Med Chem 2010, 17, 2338.
  35. Kuriata, R., Gajcy, K., Turowska-Tyrk, I., Lochyński, S.;, Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 6: Chemoenzymatic synthesis of chiral bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane derivatives with olfactory properties. Tetrahedron: Asymetry 2010, 21, 805.
  36. Gajcy, K., Pękala, J., Frąckowiak-Wojtasek, B., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 7: Novel rigidified amino acids from (+)-3-carene designed as chiral GABA analogues Tetrahedron Asymmetr 2010, 21, 2015. View at Publisher
  37. Strub, D., Lochyński, S., Drugs enhancing learning and memory processes. Na pograniczu chemii i biologii, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Poznan 2010, 25, 91.
  38. Strub, D., Lochyński, S., Medical aspects of cognitive enhancement. Papers of Students of the Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology Press, Wrocław 2010, 15, 156.
  39. Kaczmarczyk, D., Lochyński S., Kombucha as a modern active component used in cosmetic recipe. Pol. J. Cosmetol. 2010, 13, 231.
  40. Gajcy, K.; Librowski, T.; Lochyński, S., Concise synthesis of non-protein amino acid from natural product via Schmidt reaction Lett Org Chem 2009, 6, 186.
  41. Halama, A., Kuliński, M., Librowski, T., Lochyński, S., Polimer-based non-viral gene delivery as a concept for the treatment of cancer Pharmacol Rep 2009, 61, 993.
  42. Wincza, E.; Frąckowiak, B.; Lochyński, S.; Nawrot, J. , Insect feeding deterrent activity of terpenoid lactones with carane system Chemistry for Agriculture 2007, 8, 302.
  43. Frąckowiak, B.; Ochalik, K.; Białońska, A.; Ciunik, Z.; Wawrzeńczyk, C.; Lochyński, S., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 5: Synthesis of chiral lactones fused to a carane system—insect feeding deterrents. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2006, 17, 124.
  44. Kubacka, M.; Librowski, T.; Czarnecki, R.; Frąckowiak, B.; Lochyński, S.; , Anticonvulsant and antidepressant activity of the selected terpene GABA derivatives in experimental tests in mice Pharmacol Rep 2006, 58, 936.
  45. Frackowiak, B.; Olejniczak, T.; Latajka, R.; Bialonska, A.; Ciunik, Z.; Lochynski, S. , Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 4: Fragrant terpenoid derivatives with an unsaturated gem-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.0]hexane system. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2005, 16, 3352.
  46. Lochyński, S., Nowe biologicznie aktywne terpenoidt uzyskane z (+)-3-karenu Prace Naukowe Instytutu Chemii Organicznej, Biochemii i Biotechnologii Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Seria Monografie 2004, 41(25), 1-98.
  47. Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, M.; Rog, T.; Grochowski, J.; Serda, P.; Czarnecki, R.; Librowski, T.; Lochyński, S., Effects of a carane derivative local anesthetic on a phospholipid bilayer studied by molecular dynamics simulation. Biophys. J. 2003, 85, 1248.
  48. Lochyński, S.; Frackowiak, B.; Olejniczak, T.; Ciunik, Z.; Wawrzeńczyk, C., Lactones. Part 15: Synthesis of chiral spirolactones with a carane system - insect feeding deterrents. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2002, 13, 1761.
  49. Lochyński, S.; Frąckowiak, B.; Librowski, T.; Czarnecki, R.; Grochowski, J.; Serda, P.; Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, M., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 3: Hydrolytic kinetic resolution as a convenient approach to chiral aminohydroxyiminocaranes with local anaesthetic activity. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2002, 13, 873.
  50. Grochowski, J.; Serda, P.; Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, M.; Czarnecki, R.; Librowski, T.; Lochyński, S.; Frąckowiak, B., Structural characterizatiion of carane derivative stereoisomers - Potent local anesthetics. Acta Phys. Polon. A 2002, 101, 665.
  51. Lochyński, S.; Kowalska, K.; Wawrzeńczyk, C., Synthesis and odour characteristics of new derivatives from the carane system. Flavour Frag. J. 2002, 17, 181.
  52. Lochyński, S.; Frąckowiak, B., Stereokontrolowana synteza chiralnych pochodnych terpenowych posiadających aktywność farmakologiczną. II Sympozjum Centrum Biomonitoringu, Biotechnologii i Ochrony Ekosystemów Dolnego Śląska, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej 2002, 51.
  53. Librowski, T.; Czarnecki, R.; Lochyński, S.; Frąckowiak, B.; Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, M.; Grochowski, J.; Serda, P., Comparative investigations of hydroxyamine carane derivative and its R,S-diastereoisomers with strong local anesthetic activity. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 2001, 53, 535.
  54. Lochyński, S.; Kułdo, J.; Frąckowiak, B.; Holband, J.; Wójcik, G., Stereochemistry of terpene derivatives. Part 2: Synthesis of new chiral amino acids with potential neuroactivity. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2000, 11, 129

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